Recent content by MantisMart


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  1. MantisMart

    Several species for sale

    Greetings from US!! I have several species for sale at - Sphodromantis kersteni - Popa spurca - Hierodula majuscula - Crebroter gemmatus - Rhombodera sp. Thai - Mystery box
  2. MantisMart

    where to buy mantids besides here?

    I have a bit of stock at if you would like to check it out. Should have a lot more stock soon tho.
  3. MantisMart

    Acanthops erosula

    I have Puruvian Dead Leaf nymphs (Acanthops erosula), Ghost nymphs, an adult male creobroter gemmatus, and some dubia roaches for sale at  I am interested in: an adult male sphodromantis lineola, and adult female deroplayts dessicata, and ooths/breeding pairs/fertile...
  4. MantisMart

    Omomantis Zebrata

    I have the following available at - Omomantis Zebrata nymph ($14) - Adult Male Creobroter Gemmatus ($30 or ooth trade) - Dubia roaches (Prices vary) I am in search of the following: - Ooths (Open to most species, just pm me what you have :) ) - Deroplayts Dessicata...
  5. MantisMart

    About to buy a dozen orchid nymphs. What equipment do I need for them?

    With all due respect, if you are already struggling with ghosts and elmantis you shouldn't be trying orchids until you get those right first. These are living creatures and its putting them at risk.
  6. MantisMart

    About to buy a dozen orchid nymphs. What equipment do I need for them?

    If you are new to keeping orchids or mantids in general please dont start with a large breeding group. Orchids by themselves can be challenging without experience. 
  7. MantisMart

    Deroplayts Truncata/Phyllocrania Paradoxa FS

    I have some more stock on  deroplayts truncata (pre-order)  Creobroter gemmatus phyllocrania paradoxa
  8. MantisMart

    My Mantis Adventure! :D

    Been a while, but I'm proud to announce that mantismart has shipped out about 255 orders, and 511 individual mantids during the summer (Just over 3 months.)
  9. MantisMart (many new species available)

    Available list: "US ONLY" - Ghost Mantis - Giant African mantis (Sphodrmantis Virdis & Kersteni) - New Zealand Mantis - Texas Unicorn Mantis You can get these at Looking for: Sub adult male S. Lineola Adult female H. Majuscula Adult female C. Gemmatus
  10. MantisMart

    Adult mantids dying???

    adults dont die for no reason. Thats more of something that happens to young nymphs of this species. Were they adult for 6 months, or 6 months old in total?
  11. MantisMart

    Ghosts, Giant African, Texas Unicorn, and New Zealand mantids available

    All of these species are available at US ONLY
  12. MantisMart

    mantisloverguy6000 (agent A, US)

    Got 2 ortho ooths from him! Both look great and one already hatched a strong 30 nymphs!
  13. MantisMart


    alrighty, gonna try to make a very honest review. So I have ordered flies and supplies from mantisplce for a while now, ordering monthly. The flies started ok, but the way they are shipped are very dissapointing. They are shipped in a very very small mesh bag. Although this sometimes works, in...
  14. MantisMart


    Have some ghost mantids, giant African mantids, and ghost ooths for sale at:
  15. MantisMart


    Have some Ghost Mantids, Giant African mantids, and a few other things On Pm me with any questions that you might have! Please check out the website! Thank you!