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  1. S

    molt gone wrong?

    ok. done, he moved off his spot today. looks a bit better. put some fresh crickets in there and misted him. i hope hes ok. thanks for all. i paniced a bit because i am new to all this.
  2. S

    molt gone wrong?

    i can t tell about the abdomen, but it doenst look very flat, but i just looked and he was fluttering the wings fast like trying to get them in place. but they are still the same.
  3. S

    molt gone wrong?

    he has had two crickets in there all this time. he hasnt touched them and isnt moving from his hanging spot. i dont want to disturb him so i am just spraying the corners of the outside of his tub top to give him some moisture. he hasnt drank in a long time also. i am afraid if i spray his face...
  4. S

    molt gone wrong?

    thanks for helping me Rick.. i dont want to touch him now as he seemed stressed out. and when i go to go near him he moves.he hasnt moved from that spot for two days. should i spray him now? he hasnt eatten or gotten misted in days and its hot here. i want to leave him alone but im not sure if...
  5. S

    molt gone wrong?

    you can see from the picture the one green wing sticking straight out to side and the underneath looks all black looking. what happened and what can i do or is this ok and will correct itself. should i spray him today?
  6. S

    molt gone wrong?

    ok. is this going to prevent me from releasing it into the wild safely?. i only wanted to care for them until it would get warm enough so i can release them. should i mist him now? could it be that the wings havent hardened up yet? seems like because he is hanging upside down the wing is...
  7. S

    molt gone wrong?

    i dont know. i know it got scared a couple of times while i was checking on him. i look and he jumps a bit ..this was while he seemed to be getting ready to molt because i didnt see any signs of skin coming off. he must have molted overnight becasue this morning i checked on him and he was out...
  8. S

    molt gone wrong?

    one of my nymphs has just molted (took less time than the other,they are Chinese) and now is green with wings BUT.. the wings are all spread out and loose not tucked under its body like it should be. i can get a picture if you want but i never saw this on my other nymph that just got its wings...
  9. S

    one nymph isnt moving from spot

    ok. thanks...
  10. S

    one nymph isnt moving from spot

    oh my.. i just noticed the one who just molted has WINGS!!!
  11. S

    one nymph isnt moving from spot

    read joecapricorn post # 3 here to explain better since i have no clue what im doing really
  12. S

    one nymph isnt moving from spot

    :) SUCCESS! MOLT! i looked this morning hoping again and i see he is almost all green now. he was the first hatched and my largest so i was worried. he is almost full grown looking ! i am wondering if i should let them go in separate places so they wont mate so their ooths wont hatch and give...
  13. S

    one nymph isnt moving from spot

    still nothing and no eatting. should i mist him? he is wiggling himself a bit. but no signs of molting at all. is there something i should do?
  14. S

    one nymph isnt moving from spot

    about 2-3 months old (chinese)and molted about 4-5 times already (guessing)
  15. S

    one nymph isnt moving from spot

    i do know when they molt they dont move/eat for a while but its been three days and he is in the same spot no moving or eatting. he is alert though.. should i be worried.
  16. S

    why do they do this

    i know they like to hang upside down from the top of their tub. but i often see them with their arms hanging down totally straight. is this when they get ready to molt or are they sleeping? do they sleep during the day or at night? it seems they eat the crickets i put in there at night. do they...
  17. S

    when do they get wings?

    i really dont want any more. they were hatched from an ooth that the mom laid after i rescued her from a cold day in novemeber. i promised her i would take care of her babies after she died. . where should i release them. i have hedges around my property line and yew bushes close to my house. i...
  18. S

    when do they get wings?

    that is so sad. it makes me want to keep them...
  19. S

    when do they get wings?

    good point! if i have to hold onto them (keeping them separate so they wont mate) i will if it will be harmful. curious for answers....
  20. S

    when do they get wings?

    my nymphs are about two inches long now (Chinese) when do they grow their wings? how warm does it have to be outside for me to release them in the wild? i live in New York and i think its about 50F average at night now. thanks again.