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  1. S

    newbie with problem

    oh thanks. im so new at this and learning as much as i can here. can i put both ooths in the same container together and wait to hatch or keep them separate? i know which is which because this one she layed on the top of her plastic tub not on a branch i had in there like last time.
  2. S

    newbie with problem

    well, what should i do with it. i am nursing the other one she layed about three weeks ago. since she was taken out of the wild in novemeber i am thinking it is fertile. dont know about this one since shes been in a tub since then.
  3. S

    newbie with problem

    OH NO>. she layed another ooth!!! what is going on? i thought her belly looked big again , but i have been feeding her one large cricket a day because i thought she was going to die soon. i though that is why her belly was so fat. on my. now what? please help.
  4. S

    newbie with problem

    well its been ten days after i last posted and my mantis is still alive and doing well i might add. she is feeding on crickets everyday! am i giving her too many now? i spray the ooth every other day or so and place it in the sun by the window. i am hoping it doesnt dry out since the heat is on...
  5. S

    newbie with problem

    just gave her a meal worm and she took it. i tried a wax worm and she didnt budge but i think she was sleeping when i was dangling it in front of her face with tweezers . she jumped a bit after a while. i cant believe now i am caring for her properly when she is gonna die!
  6. S

    newbie with problem

    yea she seems like a summer bug! LOL i just tried giving her a tiny bit of banana she grabed at it and it fell, but she is now licking her arm barbs(sorry dont know the correct name) i know i should be feeding her more than just crickets but i dont have access to anything but red worms and...
  7. S

    newbie with problem

    thanks guys. i have been giving her lots of crickets now. i hand feed her (hand it to her) because she may be too weak to catch it. she doesnt move much. could it be she was born later in the year (summer)and not in spring and that is why she is still alive?
  8. S

    newbie with problem

    thanks, she actually ate two large crickets today. i feel so bad that i didnt feed her enough while she was pregnant. i didnt know as i read online somewhere to feed her every three days! and it also said her belly could rupture if i fed too much and her belly looked huge(babies) so i thought...
  9. S

    newbie with problem

    thanks again. how do i find peters guide
  10. S

    newbie with problem

    i guess i was asking because i thought she was dying the day before she layed. (maybe she still is) strange how nature works. she lays to carry her species on before she dies. she kept falling and she just layed on the ground sideways after one fall and i thought it was it for her. by morning...
  11. S

    newbie with problem

    oh thanks. i feel a bit better. what are the signs of a mantis ready to lay if you dont mind me asking. thanks again.
  12. S

    newbie with problem

    how much should i have been feeding and how do you know she is pregnant( for future use ) thanks. i hope i didnt harm the ooth or her by not feeding the correct amount.
  13. S

    newbie with problem

    ok thanks. i just want to do the best for her in her last days here. i will try to hatch the ooth . i decided not to put it outside. i bought a tub and stuff made especially for nymphs but i am sure i will be asking tons of questions. sorry. i am trying to read as much as i can. i get mixed...
  14. S

    newbie with problem

    ok. all i gave her every two or three days was crickets from the pet store. i feed them potatoe. i tried mealworms but she didnt see them in her tub. i think she might have eatten one. did i do something wrong?
  15. S

    newbie with problem

    i dont know but i know its a Chinese Mantis from what i have been seeing in pictures on the internet. i am new to all of this so i just want to give her the best care. she was found in the wild on a cold november morning and i scooped her up and brought her in. i dont know why she layed an ooth...
  16. S

    newbie with problem

    thank you so much for all the help / replies for my friend. i think she ate the cricket as i cant find it in the tub with her. i will continue to spray her with warm water daily and keep feeding her and making sure she eats. if she doesnt in one day ill take the cricket out so it wont eat her! i...
  17. S

    newbie with problem

    she keeps falling off the sides and i hope she isnt hurting herself. she had a huge belly before she layed and now its pretty flat. i put another cricket in the tub today and she hasnt eatten it. i dont know what else to do for her. she is in room temp. should i put a heat light on part of the...
  18. S

    newbie with problem

    ok i just bought a bunch of stuff for the babies but i really dont want to care for them as i dont feel comfortable. i will keep the ooth inside the house and mist it with warm spring water until when? when do i put it outside. will it hatch inside in six weeks as i read? i just feel bad putting...
  19. S

    newbie with problem

    is it ok to give her only crickets? i tried mealworms and she didnt eat/find them in her cage. is it ok to spray her with tap water. ive read it has to be spring water? my mantis has been alone since november as far as i know. is her ooph fertile? how will i know? when do i realease the babies...
  20. S

    newbie with problem

    i took a adult female mantis inside on a cold november morning while she clung to my patio chair. she has been inside ever since in a plastic tub 8"X12" with coco noir as substrate. i am new to this so i didnt know how else to set her up.i put some sticks from outside and a twig of a bush she...