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  1. heylookitscaps

    Incubation Success...

    So I should take it outside? I have it in a ambient temp room with no drafts with a light on it that mimics outside light
  2. heylookitscaps

    Mantis eating behavior after laying eggs

    She laid the ooth right as we were transferring her to a new tank, She walked away from the ooth after 8 hours and thats when we decided it was okay to move them both, was this a bad call? she is definitely refusing food, a cricket walked right up to her and tickled her with his antannae before...
  3. heylookitscaps

    Incubation Success...

    Congratulations!!! How do you incubate your ooths? I live in southern california and just had my Limbata lay eggs. I was going to leave it in the tank which gets lightly misted twice a week. it is about 6 inches off the subtrate hanging under a branch. Should I move it to a deli cup? my tank is...
  4. heylookitscaps

    LF Limbata Male

    I am looking to mate my female limbata, does anyone have a male scurrying around?
  5. heylookitscaps

    Hello all, New enthusiast from Southern California

    I watched her build the ooth from start. Within the ooth I saw oblong orangish yellow "cells" being placed in neat rows. I got really lucky as she laid it right next to the glass for easy viewing. Does that help your guess at all?
  6. heylookitscaps

    Hello all, New enthusiast from Southern California

    I'm assuming she is L6+ due to her size. Does she have enough time for a successful mating?
  7. heylookitscaps

    Hello all, New enthusiast from Southern California

    Nice! My brother lives in the Valley, I love LA. thanks for the ID, from what i gathered my guess was a californica. Im no professor in land based mantids though. I have studied and cared for mantis shrimps while in college and as a hobby a few yearss back, but thats a whole different ball game...
  8. heylookitscaps

    Hello all, New enthusiast from Southern California

    Hey everyone, My name is Chris and im a 27 year old from the Inland Empire. Me and my girlfriend found a beautiful whitish/yellow California Mantis on September 4th since then we have kept her in a 3 gallon bow front fish tank that I used to house a nano-reef in. She is very friendly...