Advice for anyone wanting to keep pitcher plants in a mantis enclosure


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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2017
Reaction score
Texas city, TEXAS
If you are truly wanting to put pitcher plants in your enclosure you can put a cotton ball in the top of the pitcher to keep your mantids from becoming lunch. I did some research a long time ago about keeping frogs with pitcher plants, and that was the concensus. This shouldn't hurt the plant as long as the cotton is replaced every so often to keep it dry. Just make sure the cotton ball has a good fit and won't slip down.

The only thing I might worry about is the mantis getting cotton stuck to it. I don't know how bad that would be, but it is a risk with this technique. 

Of course most pitcher plants grow quite large and would need to be taken out after a while, but it might look cool for a while.

Do not try this with Venus fly traps! 

Some pitcher plants produce very small traps, to small for a large mantis. Finding a species like this or just keeping a younger plant might make this easier. Sarracenias might be neat too, however i think the dew on the lips of sarracenia and pitcher plants is toxic to insects. Not 100% sure though.


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