can i feed a beetle to my chinese mantid?


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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2010
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do you think she would eat a round looking yellow and black stripped beetle with a hard shell? i try to catch her wild bugs (i dont spray) instead of just giving crickets all the time. she ate two grasshoppers yesterday that i caught her. ;)

Give it a try! As long as it's not exposed to pesticides. If they can't eat it, they won't, but they'll eat most anything.

You can feed beetles if you want. But most preferably, you should feed soft insects instead. Just my opinion.

You can feed them nearly any insect. The few they can't/won't eat they will know and drop it.

I hafta agree. The other day I caught a click beetle, and I was hesitant to feed it to my mantis because he had just molted the day before and I was worried that maybe the beetle's click mechanism might nail him in the eyes or something. At first, he caught it but let it go, so I thought he either wasn't able to get through the tough shell or was repelled by its strange defenses. But a few hours later, he got around to it again and found the soft underbelly. :)
