First (Well, third) post


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Jul 7, 2007
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Hey all. I'm Xue, a 20 year-old college student. I decided to rear mantids this year after finding some T. sinensis egg cases in the winter, and it's been a lot of fun! They helped me procrastinate during finals :) I think I've found a new hobby.


I read in another thread you had an eye incident! Actually, a few minutes after I took that picture, it did, in fact, strike at my eye. Luckily it hit the top frame of my glasses, so no trip to the ER for me. I haven't let them on my face since.

Welcome! 你是中国人吗? 欢迎!
\Hmm, guess the computer doesn't read that...
Here's the translation.

你是中国人吗? 欢迎 - Are you Chinese? Welcome

Xue sounds like a Chinese name, but Ishuku sounds very Japanese.

Xue, 那么你是中國人嗎?還是日本人?住在美國那一州?

Ogiga, your turn to translate :lol:


Welcome Xue! Oops! Guys, respect those who don't understand Chinese language!!... ENGLISH!!! :lol:

Oh no! :( I'm Chinese but I moved when I was 3, so I can't read. Shameful, I know.

Ops, sorry Xue! i am sure there are many new generation like yourself. My son does't speak or read chinese as well although he understands the conversation. Well, was wondering which state are you in currently Xue.

I'm in PA but I go to school in CT.

My conversational Chinese is also passable...Barely. I think I'm going to take a character writing class next semester.

ah cool. Chinese writing is a pain, very difficult langauge in my opinion. But with China becoming a factor in the world, it is always good to understand this language, especially when some chinese restaurants only carry menu with chinese writing. :lol:

ah cool. Chinese writing is a pain, very difficult langauge in my opinion. But with China becoming a factor in the world, it is always good to understand this language, especially when some chinese restaurants only carry menu with chinese writing. :lol:
Wow, really? Maybe I don't eat out enough...

Good thing Yen and I were born in Malaysia; giant mixing pot. Language comes naturally for us. LOL!! Tons of people speaking different languages. As for Chinese, it is easy to pick up conversational Chinese. To write a pain in the neck. Right now i am picking up Espanol ~~

Well, Yen......nothing taste like Malaysian food. Nasi Lemak, Rendang, Nasi Bryani, Mee Soto, Mee Rebus, Sup Kambing, Roti Canai and Nasi Tomato. Chinese food here is way too influenced by American Taste. So, is not local. Yen, if you ever comes to Buffalo, NY.... i will cook you some Rendang, Nasi Lemak or Nasi Tomato
