Hello from Plattsburgh, NY


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Jun 27, 2017
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Hey, I'm a new user to the forums, and I'm new to keeping praying mantises. My name is Mike and I am 34 years old. My fiance ordered ladybugs from a website to release into the yard to remove aphids from plants in the garden, and along with that she surprisingly ordered two Chinese Mantis ootheca (they're more round, and Carolina Mantis ootheca seem a bit longer there was no description of them so my assumption is that they're Chinese Mantises). Both hatched in early June and I kept one mantis from both ootheca. They hatched about a week apart. The one hatched on June 1 we named Manty the Mantis which has molted twice so far, and the younger which hatched on June 7 we named Tickles the Mantis and has had one molt so far. I have always been intrigued by these adorable mantises and have only ever come across 3 in the wild in my 34 years of life. I came across these forums in search of an answer to a question which I'm going to post in the health section as soon as I submit my introduction. Looking forward to learning about mantises through these forums. 

Welcome!  I'm sure you'll find lots of valuable information here to get you going in the hobby.

Hello Mike and welcome to the forum :)

Indeed although without seeing a photo of the ooths or nymphs, it is almost guaranteed to be the Chinese mantis (Tenodera sinensis) species anyway. That species is sold for "natural pest control" at garden centers and sites almost exclusively. I assume due to their larger size and ease of finding the ooth (ootheca) in the wild to sell, versus the other naturalized or native mantid species in the country.

Have fun with your two pets and share some photos - we all love to see photos. ;)
