How long will a my mantis fast before molting.


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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2017
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My Spiny Flower, who is usually a glutten and will eat anything you put in front of her, has not eaten in 4-5 days. She has the usual signs of molting, ignoring food and batting it away if it gets too close. I'm starting to get worried that something else is wrong because normally she wouldn't eat for a couple of days and then molt. She is responsive, watching me when I get close to her cage  and last night her abdomen was expanding and contracting noticeably and I thought for sure that she would have molted this morning, but when I checked on her she is still just sitting there. I'm keeping her misted and I even moved her to a warmer spot in the house. I'm not sure what stage she is in, but she does have some fairly sizable wing buds that have grown in, so I'm think she may be getting close to her final molt.

Still no molt, still not eating... :unsure:

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I'm no expert on spiny flowers, but it sounds like it could be her last molt, so given that those can usually take substantially longer, it stands to reason that maybe she would refuse food for a longer period as well.  As long as her abdomen isn't getting too skinny, she shouldn't be in danger of starving.  I would just make sure she has it available if needed along with a tiny bit of water, and I have the feeling she will molt soon.  If not, and there really is something else wrong, there probably isn't much you can do at this point.  Just try to keep her as comfortable as possible, sounds like you're doing a good job. 

Have you tried to feed her honey at all by putting a tiny bit on the end of a toothpick or something and touching it to her mouth?  Might be a way to at least make sure she is getting some nutrients if she will take it.

Hope everything turns out ok, keep us posted!

She loves honey and I've tried giving her some a few times since she stopped eating and she won't accept it. Her abdomen isn't super skinny but getting thinner. Like I said, she eats a lot and was pretty fat before she stopped eating. I hope you are right that it's just taking a while. 

Sad to know this is her last molt. She was my first and favorite. I was hoping to maybe find a male for her some she could have some babies. 

Yeah I'm not sure if it's for sure her last one or not, again I'm no expert on these guys.  But if she does make it and molts again then at least you'll know for sure where she's at, and at that point maybe you can search around for a male of her stage. 

If not, try to keep your head up.  Your first mantids are always special.  I recently lost my first ones, and I actually preserved my big female and displayed her on some cork bark.  I couldn't bare to just throw her in the trash =)

She molted last night! After about 7 days she finally molted. I was so relieved. 

Her wings came in and she is so pretty. The markings on her wings look like someone drew and eye on them, complete with pupil, iris, eye lids, and even a light reflection. I told my wife it was like we have a fairy. I'll post pics in a few days. It's still so hard to believe  that she can go through a transformation like that in a couple of hours. 

YES!  That is great news, I'm so happy for you!  Definitely send pics when you can.  I can't wait to get a spiny flower mantis. 

Great that she molted. Besides her getting back to eating, you won't have to worry anymore. I bet she will love her new habitat too. :D

Her wings


She looks amazing, congrats!  I do know the feeling of knowing that a molt is coming, and anxiously checking each morning expecting to find a freshly molted mantis, only to find that nothing happened.  I did the same thing a couple months ago while waiting for one of my ghosts to molt to adult.  The preparation leading up to the final molt drags on forever and can be very nerve-wracking!


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