Nymph ID and Advice Request


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Jun 3, 2010
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Hello everyone! I'm from Fort Worth Texas and I'm new to this forum. What brings me here is that I found a mantis nymph in my backyard and I want to keep it and love it and hug it and pet it and name it George.

I don't know what I want to name it, actually- because I can't seem to ID it at all. It is just so tiny I can't seem to make out many features. I can't see it's eye color, but it does have back legs like this:


The top of the abdomen/thorax and the back of the head are a darkish brown, while the rest of it seems a light tan or yellow. Sorry I can't get a pic, it's too small for my camera, haha.

I have never owned a mantis but I did have a tarantula so I am somewhat familiar to keeping creepy crawlies.

My current setup is a 10 gallon tank with some large sticks with little branches to climb and about a 1/2 inch of substrate (it's not like it's ever on the ground anyway, haha.) Primarily it hangs out on the mesh lid of the tank, so I lift it gently and dump about 5-7 of tiny flightless flies in there (about half it's size.) I was worried most would die and it would be a waste but man! I think it ate them all in like a day and a half!

I was feeding it maggots when I caught it the first day and it grew like 10 percent almost overnight without molting! So all the maggots (besides the first instar or so) went into pupae form and turned into flies in a few days so I had no choice but to put a few in there and it had no problem! I can't believe I doubted such a great predator! :D

I mist the tank daily just in case it decides it's gonna molt, since I don't know the species or age. Also, I have a porous towel over the lid so the flies can't get out but I hope it's not restricting oxygen to the mantis. Is that a bad idea? Do they absorb oxygen or do they have lungs? I read that some mantises are nocturnal, but this one was running around during the day so I don't know if I should keep my curtains open to simulate day and night or if that doesn't matter.

Sorry I'm so long winded! Any criticism or advice is appreciated! :D

Hi, George is likely the Carolina mantis (Stagmomantis carolina) but would be better to use name like Kelly :) as the gender at this early stage is unknown. The mantis do not need much oxygen but well ventilated cage is better, so use net screen instead of porous towel if possible.

Most of the mantis nymphs around Texas are still small right now it is early in the season. Very well spot! I am from Houston, TX.

Hi, George is likely the Carolina mantis (Stagmomantis carolina) but would be better to use name like Kelly :) as the gender at this early stage is unknown. The mantis do not need much oxygen but well ventilated cage is better, so use net screen instead of porous towel if possible.

Most of the mantis nymphs around Texas are still small right now it is early in the season. Very well spot! I am from Houston, TX.
Thank you so much for the ID! I just looked at some Stagmomantis carolina nymph pics and they are right on. Do you know of a good place to get net screen? Also, I hear they will be colored due to their environment, so if I want a green one I should put leaves in there? Or is it a genetic thing?

Well first off! Welcome to the forum! :) Looks like you have a nice Stagmomantis carolina nymph there.

The mantis should be fine breathing through the paper towel. They breath through spiracles located on the sides of there abdomen You should probably invest in some mesh or netting for the top. carolinas are more day time predators. they use those wonderfully large eyes to capture there prey. A day and night cycle is important. Enjoy our new baby! :)

Thank you so much for the ID! I just looked at some Stagmomantis carolina nymph pics and they are right on. Do you know of a good place to get net screen? Also, I hear they will be colored due to their environment, so if I want a green one I should put leaves in there? Or is it a genetic thing?
You can get the net screen with fine thread (fine enough to contain fruit flies)from Walmart fabrics section. As Paul (ismart) mentioned, feed them during day time. i have Carolina mantis in different color phase kept in the same condition so it is likely the genetic, although other factors like light intensity, humidity and surrounding color could play a role too. All the best with your new mantis/pet.

Welcome. Looks like you got your ID.

Hello ! The first molt is usually about 10 days! Any window screen washed and rinsed is fine as someone mentioned. They are the cutes things as babies, aren't they! I am glad to see u give it so many flies, some newbies only give em one or two and poor babies think u r eating their dinners cause they are hungry! make sure to give george some water a couple times a day while little. haha, I love that cartoon!

Well if you cant fin anything else, I used cheesecloth to cover mine but if you use that you'll probably want 2-3 layers of that otherwise the fruitflys will crawl through it. Should be in the sewing fabric section at Wal-marts. :blink:


Awesome! What sort of area did you catch it in?! I was out at the Fort Worth Nature Center just the other day and was looking for one but couldn't find any! Mantises are hard to find it seems. Or I don't know where to look!

Awesome! What sort of area did you catch it in?! I was out at the Fort Worth Nature Center just the other day and was looking for one but couldn't find any! Mantises are hard to find it seems. Or I don't know where to look!
It is still early in this part of region (I'm in Houston, TX). Texas had extended cold weather that last through April - May this year so most mantis are still pretty small right now; therefore difficult to find. Will likely be easier to spot in August, but i believed there are probably dozen of the little mantis nymphs looking at you while you were in the Forth Worth nature Center.... :p
