Grammostola have urticating hair but hardly ever, if ever, use it. Do you know already if the hair bothers you? Almost all of my T's are new world and I have yet to get a reaction from their hair, but most of mine don't actually kick their hair at me. Old world species for the most part are very aggressive/defensive, secretive(stay in their burrow all the time), and potentially dangerous to those who are inexperienced. A singapore blue and Malaysian earth tiger are poor choices for beginners because they are a little more tricky in their care requirements and they cost a lot (singapore blue= $400+). I have had C. crawshayi (King baboon) in the past and they spent 99.9999% of the time in their burrow, so I never could see them (I have since given them away). Read The Tarantula Keeper's Guide by Shultz & Shultz then decide on a T(tarantula).