Tiny nymphs


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Congrats with the hatch! What kind of nymphs are they? The nymphs might not eat for the first two days or so, so don't worry about that. Generally speaking, you may give them a light spray of water, but make sure the droplets are very very fine, because little nymphs have been known to get trapped - and even drown - in drops of water!

Most nymphs, with the exception of some really tiny species, should be able to handle D. melanogaster fruit flies. I'm not familiar with springtails, but perhaps some of the online places sell them.

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I"m not sure on the species a female left it n my garden and I found it and brought it in. I have appox 30 Chinese, 5 Carolinas ( I think) and these nymphs are half the size if my smallest ones. I have fruit flies here and I will introduce them into the container of nymphs in a couple days.

Thanks for the info.

Always appreciated!

Plus I have 12 ooths that is supposed to be Asian, 4 of them I'm giving to another member.

What color are the nymphs? If black and only a few hatching out in a day = Stagmomantis californica

If a fair number hatched out(30+)and pale to light green nymphs more likely Stagmomantis limbata

Wow! Do you have 30 Chinese mantis oothecae? Can you take a picture of the oothecae? Josh's Frogs sells springtail cultures. I get springtails in my containers with a little dirt and leaves and wood with moisture. Those springtails that breed in my containers come from the wild here in North Carolina. They love to eat melon peelings and banana. You might have a lot of beautiful types of springtails in California.



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If you could show a picture of the ooth and nymph it might help the identification. Most species should be able to take melanogaster at first instar, but if you need springtails you can contact your local nurseries or Ace/Home Depots and ask if they sell them. Sometimes they have cultures of springtails in gardening. Fungus Gnats will also work in a pinch.
