Hy there, I have been in the hobby for a while but I have never seen this before.
So my Dyroplatys Lobata became an adult female like 2 months ago, she has been really fat for about 4 weeks now so I’m waiting for her ootheca (have paired her so normally it will be a ferilized egg sack) but she doesnt lay them! Online I can’t find anything what can cause this, so that’s why I ask you if you know what can cause a praying mantis not to lay her egg sack.
temperatures and humidity are perfect in the enclosure and she eats really good.
I hope one of you can help me out and maybe help me find a way to “stimulate” her to lay her eggs.
thank you! Greets

So my Dyroplatys Lobata became an adult female like 2 months ago, she has been really fat for about 4 weeks now so I’m waiting for her ootheca (have paired her so normally it will be a ferilized egg sack) but she doesnt lay them! Online I can’t find anything what can cause this, so that’s why I ask you if you know what can cause a praying mantis not to lay her egg sack.
temperatures and humidity are perfect in the enclosure and she eats really good.
I hope one of you can help me out and maybe help me find a way to “stimulate” her to lay her eggs.
thank you! Greets