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  1. Mystymantis

    chopstick reached his final moult!

    Aw he looks beautiful! They are so tiny at first and get so big so fast. It's amazing!
  2. Mystymantis

    Grain mites in fruit flies

    Thanks so much for the advice! I will see what I can do to prevent grain mites based on your guys responses. Thanks so much!
  3. Mystymantis

    For Sale Ghost ooths and Ghost nymphs available!

    I have a few ghost ooths available! And I have ghost nymphs available too! Ooths are $25 each Nymphs are $8 each. For every 5 nymphs you get 1 free ghost nymph! PM if interested.
  4. Mystymantis

    Grain mites in fruit flies

    It keeps happening. These pesky tiny mites appear out of nowhere like phantoms! I keep getting grain mites at least once or twice every year and am getting tired of it. How do you all keep grain mites away from your fruit fly colonies? Specifically they seem to like my Hydei flies but are also...
  5. Mystymantis

    How do you hatch your bottle fly pupa?

    Ok great thanks for explaining all that! I will see if I can change anything and get better hatchings.
  6. Mystymantis

    For Sale Ghost nymphs available!

    I have some i2 and i3 ghost nymphs available for $8 each. Pm if interested. Thanks!
  7. Mystymantis

    How do you hatch your bottle fly pupa?

    I do something similar for my pupa, I put them in an 8 oz wide container with a plastic top with small holes and set them in room temperature. I have had similar low hatching rates to you. So trying to determine if it's the container, or the fridge or something else. Thanks!
  8. Mystymantis

    losing popularity

    Yeah it's basically social media that has killed forums. Now everyone goes to instagram, facebook, discord etc. But I prefer forums to social media any day. It is quite sad how unactive it has become over the years since I joined.
  9. Mystymantis

    How do you hatch your bottle fly pupa?

    Hey I was wondering you guys hatch your bottle fly pupa? Do you put them in a net cage? or a 32 oz cup? With substrate or nothing? Or is there another way you keep them so they pupate? I keep having low bottle fly hatching rates and am wondering if my method is just not working anymore. It used...
  10. Mystymantis

    weird bit on my mantises eye

    Yeah it looks like eye damage that possibly happened during the final molt? Honestly there's no way to tell. But as long as he is eating and acting normally then he should be fine. Like you said keep an eye on his behavior and eating.
  11. Mystymantis

    Well shoot….

    Oh no! I'm so sorry! I feel for you. This is a terrible tragedy! I would be very sad if something like that happened to my mantises. I hope you can build back your mantis collection. Did any survive? What kind of heating or heater were you using?
  12. Mystymantis


    Definitely! Your welcome. You have been a big inspiration to me with your website and all the cool species and supplies you provide. And one of the best places to get feeders and supplies too! Such an awesome thing that you have your own insect store. Which I know you aren't completely shutting...
  13. Mystymantis


    Hi, that is sad news that you are downsizing. You have made many amazing mantis species available to hobbyists! I know you have been doing this for a very long time so it's totally understandable. But your health is far more important so please do what is best for you. Though it is sad to see...
  14. Mystymantis

    Acromantis sp. Daklak

    Oh dear! Yeah that's not something you want to see! The ooths hatched in shipping like that! Looks like they are doing well though.
  15. Mystymantis

    Ceratomantis saussurii

    Beautiful pictures! They are so cute! Good luck with them!
  16. Mystymantis

    For Sale Ghost ooths for sale

    I have a few ghost ooths for sale. Ooths $25 each. PM if interested.
  17. Mystymantis


    No way! Is Bioquip really gone? That's where I get all my bug collecting supplies too. But I haven't gone there in a little while. So did they really die? If so when? I see the Bioquip bugs section is still there but can't connect to the product section. This is very sad! Other then Bioquip I...
  18. Mystymantis

    Field trip bust

    Yeah that sounds like the perfect habitat for insects and mantises. Though it is kinda early for most bugs. Mantises are only maybe just hatching now. Most probably haven't hatched yet, though that also depends on how warm the spring has been so far. Waiting until more flowers were blooming...
  19. Mystymantis

    Field trip bust

    That's a big bummer. Were you somewhere tropical or something? Sorry your field trip was a bust. It's never fun when that happens. I have had a few of those myself. Went to find mantises one time and got nothing but micro ticks! (basically just hatched ticks) Very not fun! I really hope you...
  20. Mystymantis

    Pest ID help

    Yeah I think they need something to grip to climb. Once the enclosure is cleaned and reset it should be good as new.