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  1. Zemata

    Best way to release adult male chinese mantis?

    Hey all. I have two mantids from the same ooth. They've been adults for about three weeks now. I've been wanting to try getting them to mate soon and releasing the male afterwards because he doesn't seem to eat properly. I've fed them both on storebought crickets with no problems sice they...
  2. Zemata

    New chinese adult mantids won't eat?

    It took some doing, but I got the one mantis that still wasn't eating to devour a cricket by dropping some honey on it. Hopefully it won't shy away from the next one I add. Thanks for the advice guys.
  3. Zemata

    New chinese adult mantids won't eat?

    Thanks for the replies guys. I'll remove the crickets when I get home if they haven't been eaten yet and I won't stress them any further. I didn't even think mantids could be stressed.
  4. Zemata

    New chinese adult mantids won't eat?

    Hey guys my two adult mantids aren't eating. I feed them large crickets from petco and I feed the crickets those orange fluckers cube things. I've had no problems feeding them every other day during their previous molt. A couple days before I expected this molt, I stopped feeding them (I also...
  5. Zemata

    Chinese l4/l5 fungal infection? help

    Hello I'm keeping three Chinese mantids all are at l4 or l5. I came home from a trip to find one with a cloudy black eye and splotches on its head. I immediately cleaned out its tank by scrubbing with dish soap and water and dried it out with some fresh paper towel inside. I've been keeping...
  6. Zemata

    Chinese ooth hatched. Feeding questions

    Alright thanks again! I lifted the lids up and put I couple more sticks in for them to climb on. Now last question I swear! How can I tell when they've molted to l2? Will they just all be a bit bigger with mantid skins strewn about?
  7. Zemata

    Chinese ooth hatched. Feeding questions

    Thanks for the fast replies! Two more things They're falling a lot. Will this harm them? How long should I wait before releasing them into my garden?
  8. Zemata

    Chinese ooth hatched. Feeding questions

    Hey guys my ooth hatched that I bought from a gardening store. It's been about one day and I have some questions mainly about feeding. First of all, they are Chinese nymphs. I missed the hatching but it looks like some stillborn nymphs are still stuck to the ooth. Is this normal? The nymphs...
  9. Zemata

    Hello! New fan from PA

    Alrighty guys, last post. I went ahead and bought some native mantid ootheca from my flower shop. I have pics here if someone wants to check it out. Thanks!
  10. Zemata

    Help this newbie ID these storebought ootheca

    Hey guys. Decided to buy a mantid ooth from my local flower shop for my first go at this. Want to hatch them and release all but 2 or 3 after a few molts. I was wondering if you guys could ID these for me. They look like Tenodera Aridifolia Sinensis to me but I may be wrong because I've...
  11. Zemata

    Hello! New fan from PA

    Thanks again guys! Ive been to petco twice now and both stores I asked about mantids looked at me like I'm crazy and advised against it. One employee said its illegal so I just nodded my head and said "oh yeah?". They're making me secone guess getting into this, but I bought a container...
  12. Zemata

    Hello! New fan from PA

    Ah ok. How are ghosts when you handle them? I've read they have some unique and quirky movements. Also what is the best way to go about handling a mantis? Do you just hold your hand out and coax them on? Do they have to be used to you from early age?
  13. Zemata

    Hello! New fan from PA

    Hey all. Just wanted to stop in and say hi and ask a few questions. Apologies if this is the wrong subforum. I've been reading and watching about mantids online for a few days now. It started with a video of an Orchid Mantis and I just couldn't stop studying them. I had no idea there were...