Recent content by danl82


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  1. D

    Some of my snakes

    I have a fair few 🙂 they're not too much work actually. A couple of hours a week to spot clean/clean out and feeding as and when appropriate.  Just check water bowls daily.  King ratsnakes are impressive animals, the colours are so bright and they are physically large too.  The house snakes...
  2. D

    My Green anoles

    Lovely pictures and they look great, well done!
  3. D

    Some of my snakes

    Found a bit of time to take a few more pictures.  Black pine snake, one of my all time favourite species. Fresh out of the egg today, black african house snakes, that iridescence is permanent the parents have it too.   The parents were wild caught adults and it has taken over a year of...
  4. D

    Apistogramma cacatuoides

    Nice! Apistos are cool little cichlids, when my tanks were up and running (all in storage right now but some day....) i tried to get some nice pairs but my local aquatics places only ever got males in, females were almost never available :( so I settled and dedicated a large tank to breeding...
  5. D

    Some of my snakes

    A couple more pictures today as the weather was good. Brazilian rainbow boa. These are my pair of rosy boas, the male I have previously posted above before.  The top two are my female and the last is the male, bay of LA locality. This is a variable or thayers kingsnake, this one...
  6. D

    Some of my snakes

    Peruvian rainbows are not common to begin with and I've no doubt that the few that have been around were often crossed with brazilians or just sold as brazilians. Alot of the differences become pronounced as they grow up. The intergrade one is actually so calm, he's been into my kids school as a...
  7. D

    Chico, my new pet bird

    Beautiful maroon belly conure, as he gets older his colours will get a big stronger too. Pyrrhura conures are brilliant pets. Does he talk yet?
  8. D

    Some of my snakes

    Thank you, she is an absolute character and very headstrong, I actually got her 3 years ago as a surprise birthday present for my wife. Pyrrhura conures are just like a big parrot in a little body! All the personality, intelligence and extremely cuddly, their voices are little quiet compared to...
  9. D

    Some of my snakes

    I've been a bit quiet on this forum for a while, not gone just busy with other stuff. Thought I'd add a couple of new(ish) pictures This is a intergrade rainbow boa, a cross between a colombian and a brazilian, not bred by me, I don't produce hybrids.  He was unwanted and I've given him a...
  10. D

    Chinese mantis threat display

    Sorry he died but at least you got a beautiful picture of him.
  11. D

    Cali mantis gender?

    Looks like its getting ready to moult.
  12. D

    You know you like mantids when......

    When you've just dropped £50 (about $66) on a bunch of new mantids (and you don't regret it 😁) You know culture methods for multiple feeder species off by heart. Also, yes I was going add you keep seeing nice containers that would make nice mantis homes. 
  13. D

    You can take good care of your mantids but...

    Yes sadly, she didn't make it. It's really frustrating but random things can happen. I enjoyed keeping the species so I will have them again in the future, but not right now as I have a few other projects on the go.
  14. D

    You can take good care of your mantids but...

    You can't account for them being stupid. My Heirodula venosa finally had her adult moult today. Decided to do it 2 inches from the bottom of the cage 😑. Despite having a large mesh cage, with plenty of sticks etc. Always moulted from the top before. When I got home from work found her on the...
  15. D

    My Green anoles

    Glad they've done well for you. They can be eager to mate but raising the youngsters can be tricky. She wont lay a clutch all in one go but rather a few eggs over a series of days, so you just have to keep an eye out for them. Expect them near the floor, either against or on bits of wood...