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  1. Cloud the Dinosaur King

    Pine the Carolina Mantis and His Life

    Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting for a while, I've been busy and I haven't had anything mantis related happen, but recently, I had an ootheca hatch from Stagmomantis carolina. Only five have hatched in a little over a month, which is surprising. Only one has survived, Pine, a little...
  2. Cloud the Dinosaur King

    Another New Lizard!

    Hello all! On Sunday, I got a new lizard, an Brown Anole named Stripes. He is about 6 inches long. He was kind of an unexpected pet. His dewlap is beautiful. It is red-orange with a yellow border. Here is a picture of him.
  3. Cloud the Dinosaur King

    Cloud the Dinosaur King's Other Inverts

    I have four other inverts. My Mexican Fireleg Tarantula, Hookfang, my Marbled Orbweaver, Lady Halloween, and my Giant Leopard Moth Catterpillar, Sr. Moustache. I also have a Spitting Spider, Whitney. I hope that you all like the pictures.
  4. Cloud the Dinosaur King

    Deroplatys truncata Wanted

    Does anyone have a pair or ootheca of Deroplatys truncata? It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  5. Cloud the Dinosaur King

    Looking for Choeradodis

    Hello. Does anyone have or know where I could get any member of the genus Choeradodis? I love these mantids, and I would love to own one. Thanks.
  6. Cloud the Dinosaur King

    Cloud the Dinosaur King's Mantis Collection

    Hello. As of now, I have no mantids, but I do have a Stagmomantis carolina ootheca and 4 back up oothecas in my yard just in case this one doesn't hatch. This weekend I am getting some new pets, a few mantids, a Green Basilisk lizard, and hopefully a Whipspider. I am going to get whatever they...
  7. Cloud the Dinosaur King

    Horsehair Worms

    Hey, has anyone had a mantis with horsehair worms? I think I might have had one, but before I could find out, she fell off of my hand(she was very clumsy) and my chickens ran over and ate her. R.I.P.
  8. Cloud the Dinosaur King

    New Basilisk Lizard!

    Hello again! On November 4th, I am going to Repticon to get some kind of cockroach, and, a Green Basilisk lizard! I am very excited they are the coolest looking lizards on Earth! They have crests on their back, head, and tail. They can even run on water! Let me know if you have any name...
  9. Cloud the Dinosaur King

    South Carolina Repticon

    Hi everyone! I was just wondering if anyone else was going to the Repticon in South Carolina on November 4th. I go every time, and I am getting some new stuff. I am getting a male Green Basilisk(a lizard that runs on water), and roaches of some sort, not sure which species yet. I hope to see...
  10. Cloud the Dinosaur King

    Hello From South Carolina

    Hello from South Carolina! My name is Cloud and I love animals, but my favorite groups are dinosaurs, lizards, and yes, mantids. My favorite mantis species in specific is Heterochaeta orientalis. As of October 16, 2017, I have 3 Carolina Mantis oothecas. I have owned Stagmomantis...