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  1. gm88

    Unusually long time since last molt

    I have a mantis which hasn't molted in around two months.  By the state of his wings he should have one final molt left.  Earlier this evening I put a cricket in his cage and he didn't seem too interested though seemed to go for it once (might have been more of a swat).  This might be a sign...
  2. gm88

    How to Make Mead

    Here is a short video I made on making mead (honey wine): Any other mead/wine makers or brewers here?
  3. gm88

    The restricted diet thread:

    Does anyone find that more or less feeding affect the rate of molting? I have heard some people say a restricted diet helps improve life-span, but from experience I know that captive mantises can also grown to much smaller adults. Also I was wondering if anyone had any insight as to the...
  4. gm88

    Indian Flower Mantis Wanted (ccreobroter p.)

    Looking to trade for mantis ooths or purchase for a reasonable price.
  5. gm88

    Mantis I just found won't eat ff, too small or about to molt?

    need to make a quick enclosure as the he is too small for my current ones. Just wondering from the more experienced breeders and since I just found this guy/gal yesterday is this typical pre molt behavior? perhaps just stress from the new environment or should i perhaps try getting some of the...
  6. gm88

    Ooths from wild adult mantis for sale

    Hey all, is anyone interested in purchasing some ooths which were laid late-last year by a wild mantis I caught outside as an adult, and kept as a pet, which stayed alive through the winter? They have been sitting in my fridge and I have no intention of trying to hatch them to raise. However I...
  7. gm88

    To freeze or not to freeze?

    I had a mantis mismolt but its still alive though its legs are pretty messed up. It can't really move around too well though suprisingly it can still hang from the top of the enclosure. Unfortunately I did not move it to a larger enclosure in time before it molted (this was my last mantid I...
  8. gm88

    creo mis-molt

    I knew this guy was getting close to molting, had been spraying through and sometimes under the lid of the enclosure at least 2x per day. Just found him like this at the bottom of the cup and as I was typing realized he was still alive :( :( (did not move at all at first so thought he was...
  9. gm88

    Chinese Mantid Ootheca for sale

    Around 10 ootheca of varying sizes for sale from wild adult Chinese Mantids. Just found these two in my garden today. 10$ ea. plus 10$ for shipping within the U.S. The two pictured are 20$ each.
  10. gm88


    I have been a member here for a few months and found this place a helpful source of info as a beginner mantis-keeper. Just got the book "Keeping the Praying Mantis" as well which I understand was written by a member of this forum. So I look forward to reading that and to participating more...
  11. gm88

    Unexpected Ooth Hatching!

    Just woke up at around 6 am and heard one of my adult females rustling around in her enclosure so I went to check on her and noticed a little baby nymph on a box next to it, then another one. I panicked for a second thinking somehow the ones I had just got had somehow escaped and then I noticed...
  12. gm88

    Two of My Mantids:

    The first pic is of the largest female I have found this past summer, she was found in my garden. Second pic is of the first mantid I caught and raised to adulthood who just died last night of old age.