Yay! Finally the time has come to collect unicorn mantids


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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2016
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Tomorrow I leave to spend 2 days collecting AZ unicorn mantis and hang out with friends. can't wait Becuase this is the best time of the year and it's at my favorite collecting spot. I plan to really take my time to collect them. also my goal is to post pictures after.  after the trip I will try to go 1 day ever week to look for more. so excited! :D  I also am getting prepared for the other bugs that I might find.

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@spider_creations Nice, have fun and I hope you find several unicorns. :D Maybe with a bit of luck too your be able to get the species into the hobby community, as it now truly living up to it's name. ;)

If you stumble across any tarantulas (late in the season but possible) and would be up to capturing them to ship a few to me, just a couple females if possible, like the Arizona Desert Tarantula (Aphonpelma chalcodes) the most common one seen there, let me know. You can see a newspaper article about the species here, and you can see the obvious differences between the males and females in the article photos. ;) If that sounds like something your interesting in shoot me a PM and we can work out a price if you find any.

@spider_creations Nice, have fun and I hope you find several unicorns. :D Maybe with a bit of luck too your be able to get the species into the hobby community, as it now truly living up to it's name. ;)

If you stumble across any tarantulas (late in the season but possible) and would be up to capturing them to ship a few to me, just a couple females if possible, like the Arizona Desert Tarantula (Aphonpelma chalcodes) the most common one seen there, let me know. You can see a newspaper article about the species here, and you can see the obvious differences between the males and females in the article photos. ;) If that sounds like something your interesting in shoot me a PM and we can work out a price if you find any.
I do find those, but like you said it might be late. the are awesome trantulas, the females have and awesome color and get pretty big. if I find any I'll PM you but I'll probably find them in summer 

I do find those, but like you said it might be late. the are awesome trantulas, the females have and awesome color and get pretty big. if I find any I'll PM you but I'll probably find them in summer 
Sweet to know you do see them, and would keep me in mind. :D No problem, let me know if you do find some, if not maybe next time. ;)

I'm curious now though, do you keep T's as well, or just know about them? As I was wondering if it was worth asking originally, as many seem terrified by them.

Sweet to know you do see them, and would keep me in mind. :D No problem, let me know if you do find some, if not maybe next time. ;)

I'm curious now though, do you keep T's as well, or just know about them? As I was wondering if it was worth asking originally, as many seem terrified by them.
I have kept a costa rican zebra tarantula before I also enjoy see and holding any wild cought ones I find 

I have kept a costa rican zebra tarantula before I also enjoy see and holding any wild cought ones I find 
Okay that explains it. :) Interesting to hear you come across that many on your trips. Perhaps you should adopt a new pet or two yourself. ;)

Okay that explains it. :) Interesting to hear you come across that many on your trips. Perhaps you should adopt a new pet or two yourself. ;)
Yeah I plan to mabye keep one or two....mabye three :) lol but since they are fairly common here I would rather send them to people who don't have them or many T's in there state 

Yeah I plan to mabye keep one or two....mabye three :) lol but since they are fairly common here I would rather send them to people who don't have them or many T's in there state 
Sure why not, the more the merrier right :D Being in a northern state, we have zero tarantulas, the largest arachnids we have are the wolf spiders (Tigrosa helluo) ;) Not sure when you are leaving for your trip today, but best of luck and hope to read and see many great finds when you return.

Tomorrow I leave to spend 2 days collecting AZ unicorn mantis and hang out with friends. can't wait Becuase this is the best time of the year and it's at my favorite collecting spot. I plan to really take my time to collect them. also my goal is to post pictures after.  after the trip I will try to go 1 day ever week to look for more. so excited! :D  I also am getting prepared for the other bugs that I might find.
Did you ever wind up finding any unicorns?

Found one but it was to hot for them Becuase I usually fund then in more of the cold 
Ah, sorry to hear that your trip was nearly a bust - but one is still more than most of us have ever had. Perhaps you can go again once it cools off more then. ;)

Have never really seen that species available in culture for any length of time. 

Have never really seen that species available in culture for any length of time. 
I had some last year I shipped to Alan @Brunneria but couldn't breed them and mine only female died in molt leaving my lone male to die. I am going to probably 3 spots this year to find them my main spot I'll be trying to check weekly and then my other spot I'll check next month and probably spend two days looking and the other spot I don't know when I'll get around to looking there. hopefully I can find some and bring these into culture 

I am not giving up. Last year I found ten, I hope to find at least a few more.  I might check back again at my close collecting spot I find them at, then in about a month I am spending a few days in another spot. And then check another spot also. it's going to be difficult but I will not give up! I wonder why it's proving to be harder this year as last year I found five with ease and another three about a week after. Of course collecting has just begun. 


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