How soon can you beginning mating?


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Dec 29, 2011
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I was wondering how soon after mantids reach adulthood can they mate and produce fertile eggs together? I've done a ton of reading and always thought that males could mate as soon as they reached adulthood and for females it takes up to 3 weeks. Well, 2 things came from these thoughts. 1. How do I know that the female is ACTUALLY ready (to the day)? I've read somewhere (In Idolomatis consolidated maybe?) that the female makes some sort of noise or something that means she's ready for a mate...? and 2. I recently saw someone say that it takes longer for a male to mate once he reaches adulthood because of him still being teneral. I looked that up and it's the softness after their molt but I would think they are hardened up well before a week after their last molt. Will the male even try to mate if he's not ready (I mean if his exo-skeleton isn't hard or for some other reason)? maybe this is all different for different species? Little lost here...

The male is not ready for mating as soon as he becomes an adult. It is best to wait at least two weeks for both and then give it a try. If neither is receptive wait a few days and try again. Older adults tend to initiate mating faster.

In the link below, it shows what it looks like when a few females are ready. It is been called "calling" but there is no audible sound that I know of. I have bred females that weren't witnessed doing it, and still got fertile oothecae. But with certain species it is better to wait until they are doing it.


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