A walk in the woods...


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Stacking...on my list to conqure! ....Its been since cs2, since ive even really used PS, and that was just for basic stuff, ive got a lot to learn >.<

I started taking some continuous pictures today to start practicing with LoL ......Well see HaHa
yeah, its been forever too for me. I just prefer to develope in lightroom, remove some noise, and enjoy. the rest sounds like work to me. but I should relearn it.


I just saw this post now....

I used to be on overclocking web sites all the time back in the day. the computer I'm using now is from 4 years ago that I built and is still going strong. I too was just like you, but I too realised that you can never win when new video cards and new CPUs were always around the corner.

the funnt thing is, my computer is still faster then most out right now. well worth it, as long as you don't feed the PCI slots with new cards every 6 months.

I build myself a new PC about every 4 or 5 years. I've had this one for about 4 years and there really haven't been any significant advances. I'll build a new one if I can't run newer software I feel I need. I don't see that happening anytime soon.

I feel sorry for people that have to buy a pre-made system. You have to take Microsoft's newest OS. You have no choice. I still prefer XP. I can't use Photoshop CS5 because it requires 64 bit but I would rather live without that then lose all the older apps I rely on.

I just saw this post now....

I used to be on overclocking web sites all the time back in the day. the computer I'm using now is from 4 years ago that I built and is still going strong. I too was just like you, but I too realised that you can never win when new video cards and new CPUs were always around the corner.

the funnt thing is, my computer is still faster then most out right now. well worth it, as long as you don't feed the PCI slots with new cards every 6 months.

Just the word "Overclocking" is enough to make me spend a grand, LOL! 4 core Nvidia 285 overclocked plus a bit more but still old, it's the hammer though to this day!

Awesome pics as always! Love the crickets' eyes and the centipede!
If you look really close at the centipede photo there is a clear baby toward the upper right corner. I didn't see it at the time, only once I took a good look at the photo on my PC. I wish I had seen it. Would have loved to get some photos of it!

More from today...




The rest were added to the first entry.

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I love the spider images you just added. Very nice. But what is that in the last photo in the first post?
Thanks! I really like the spider on the yellow moss. Wish it was more crisp but that little bugger didn't sit still very long.

That orange-ish thing was some kind of flat worm or ribbon worm. Not sure what it was. Like an earthworm but flat and with a distinct 'head' it would lead with. Found it under some wood.

neato!! i spotted a necrophiliac fly once in my woods

a green bottlefly was killed by an assassin bug and its shell was still there

a male green bottlefly was trying to mate with it :huh: :eek:

May 11 continued...

Check out the parasites around this fly's head!











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Amazing detail on such a variety of insects! Very nice. Is that last one some kind of a water bug? When I first saw the image of the fly with the parasites, I wondered if they were part of the insect.

I like mites a whole lot more now thanks to you.. ;-P
Those Red Velvet Mites are pretty cool looking. This one was large for my area, but I wish I could find one this size...


But I'd have to go to India for that.


Amazing detail on such a variety of insects! Very nice. Is that last one some kind of a water bug? When I first saw the image of the fly with the parasites, I wondered if they were part of the insect.
Thanks! It was a fruitful day in the woods. I only walked half the distance I normally do but got a ton a nice pics. That new lighting method is working great. Still have to adjust the heads constantly but the the lighting looks much more natural if you get it just right. Also went back to using RAW. Ended up saving a few of these I thought were beyond salvaging. I'm really loving RAW again.

Yeah, last 2 photos are a water strider. I have photos of adults mating that I didn't go through yet. I'd never really seen them up close before.

I think the parasites on that fly may be larval Red Velvet Mites. They are parasitic until adult when they become predatory. Just learned that today.

You were a busy boy on May 11th. :) I see what you mean about the lighting. It's really pretty perfect with no shadows or hot spots.
