Eremiaphila species :: so cuddley!!!


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Well-known member
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Bath, UK (Bournemouth Uni currently)
Was talking to chris about fave mantis species, and talking about the Eremiaphila species. So, I did a search on them, and they are so dam cute!! Take a look at this pic..





they are indeeeeeeeeeed amazing. i was lucky enough to have kept some, one of the most interesting mantid i have ever kept. IT's a shame no one (i know of) has them at the moment

That thing is just straight up funny looking.

I love those guys, never had the chance to keep em though. I remember when Evan from think that was the name) had them for sale...




that thing is really amazing. How come it isn't in culture more often? Is it hard to keep or are they not attractive to most mantis enthusiasts?

How old is that one? Are those wings buds or are they actually wings? And about what size is that one?

I'll have to keep an eye out for that one.

Cheers for sharing that with us Ian, Cameron.

(sorry bout all these questions)


Those are nice little desert runners. Some guys breed them at the moment, however, the numbers vary considerably from one generation to another, as they are not easy to keep. Sometimes some larvae are available. They must be kept hot and do not support fruit flies very well. Naturally, they feed on ants, beetles, and other hard stuff. The specimen on the photo is an adult female. Most species reach about 3 cm length, E. typhon up to 5 cm. The latter species is not in the stocks at the moment.



I do like that genus

I know of one person in europe who has definately bred them and another who has the name on his website but not currently available

they lay ooths in sand which is very weird

each ooth hatches around 20 nymphs with only 1-2 nymphs hstching per week! tricky for breeding purposes I imagine

Im not sure if those are pebble mantids, i dont like common names for most inverts

everybody is thanking Ian and not me, he didnt really know about em :( lol

any other Q's just post & I'll see if I can answer
