Mantis Cross Breeding ver.1.0


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That won't work. The topic has been discussed before.

wont produce a ooth and if it does it will be infertile and if it even does hatch the nymphs will all die and will be all for nothing!

This is an interesteding topic. Most of the time this stuff doesn't work but there can be exceptions, at least in the reptile world. There have been snakes and turtles (that I know of) of different spcies even different genus to produce offspring.

Why? Why not, I'd love to see some crazy looking hybrids.
Yep, there's nothing like a freak show to pull in the rubes! ;)

Once again. If someone were to produce viable crosses that could interbreed in the F1 generation, I'm sure that there would be plenty of folks who would be happy to buy them and to breed them back to their own stock, since, obviously, they don't care about pure strains. Most captive stocks come from a limited number of lines, and this could contaminate the genome of a complete captive species. We are all familiar with "Rhombodera sp.", which may be a victim of crossbreeding; what would you call the new crosses, G.sp.?

Fortunately, though, it ain't gonna happen.

oh, and the male is safe, pilled the male off after the violin was done with the moth...

So Ghozt. Let's see where you stand.

If your female produced a viable ooth (though G_d knows the odds against that) whose offspring were able to mate successfully with each other:

Do you you believe me when I say that they could contaminate the whole line of what they resemble most (i.e. violin or orchid mantids), if they were allowed to cross breed again?

If not, why not?

If so, would you sell them anyway, knowing that you were doing a serious disservice to the hobby, or,

Do you think that everyone who likes freaks would be honorable and careful not to do what you have already done, attempt to cross breed them again?

You started this thread, so I think that it is fair to ask you where you stand on the issue.

I think ghozt is more interested in having a violorchid, or orchilin mantis, or whatever, than contaminating culture. While I seriously doubt anything will come of this mating, but even if there was viable offspring, I'm not sure I follow your logic, Phil. How could the little mutants contaminate the culture, unless they were maliciously sold as something they're not?

A fair question, I guess, but why do you think that no one would buy the crosses and try to establish a strain? He could easily sell them, despite the danger, without any misrepresentation, malicious or otherwise. Has it ever been done? Yep. At an American Cichlid Association Convention in the seventies, a guy was selling a cross between two African cichlids of the same genus, though he had not yet successfully crossed the siblings of the F1 generation. A couple of us tried to persuade him to withdraw them from sale and he angrily refused, saying that he had succeeded in doing something that we couldn't, we were just jealous, and he was clearly selling them as cross breeds. It did not occur to him, or he refused to acknowledge, that he had no control over what his customers did with the freaks, including trying to breed them back to one of the original species. Fortunately, someone with more influence than mine persuaded the floor manager of sales to ban further sales, and I later heard that, predictably, the fish were sterile.

I am not asking Ghozt what he will do with the progeny, because there won't be any, or they will be sterile, but I wanted to know how he regards the whole idea of introducing such half breeds into the hobby, since he has already taken the first step in that direction.

No fight here, just an exchange of opinions.

You know Phil, I thought about that. I just wanna see it happen, not destroy the breeds like ppl have done DOGS...

Like a Pit Bull and a Shitsu became a BullSh_t. So, no, I prolly wouldnt sell them... cuz if i did, the next person would to... and so on.

Also, if it where possible, we would have crazy cool breeds by now.
