World's Biggest Insect?


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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2011
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Duvall, WA
Deinacrida heteracantha.

Posted at http://www.telegraph...11.html?image=1


Adventurer Mark Moffett has found the world's biggest insect - which is so huge it can eat carrots. The former park ranger discovered the giant weta up a tree and his real life Bugs Bunny has now been declared the largest ever found. He came across the cricket-like creature, which has a wing span of seven inches, after two days of searching on a tiny island. The creepy crawly is only found on Little Barrier Island, in New Zealand. The species was wiped off the mainland by rats accidentally introduced by Europeans.

Picture: Mark Moffett/Minden Pictures/Solent
Wow, it's munching down on that carrot! And a 7 inch wingspan!? Awesome.

*Edited to add the species name: Deinacrida heteracantha.

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It might love to get its hands on you! Wow! I wonder if "discover" in this case means he re-discovered an already known insect.
Yes I wonder that too.It is not the biggest but the heaviest ever found(or he ever found?)Phasmids are the biggest insects.

Yes I wonder that too.It is not the biggest but the heaviest ever found(or he ever found?)Phasmids are the biggest insects.
Good point Nikko. The answer to "world's biggest insect" depends on how you define "big." It sounds like this weta holds the largest confirmed weight of any live insect (71 g/2.5 oz), recorded from a gravid female.

Good point Nikko. The answer to "world's biggest insect" depends on how you define "big." It sounds like this weta holds the largest confirmed weight of any live insect (71 g/2.5 oz), recorded from a gravid female.
Exactly. If you define big as in most mass or weight then this would be it. It'd be the Bornean walking stick Phobaeticus chani if you're talking length. ;)

And WOW look at the spikes on its legs! :blink: And it's no katydid but I bet those jaws would hurt!

These are pretty Big and Heavy! Not that I would keep them. :p



Over 6 inches long and I think there made out of lead, lol.

i always thought the heaviest insect was the goliath beetle (or its larval stage) :) Guess the picture books I read as a kid are outdated

At least the D.heteracantha specimen in the pic doesn't have the huge red heads black mandibles and looong forelimbs of male Tree Wetas (Hemideina spp.)... these certainly look more wicked!


Really, Crucis? If I had one species in my left hand and the other in my right, I'd want to flick the finger-sized-carrot-eating one off first! But that's just me.

Just one segment of that monster's leg is as long as the photographer's finger. Mark Moffet, for those who don't know, is a world-renowned photographer. It seems like his name is next to most insect photos in National Geographic.

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Sounds like our discussion is happening at the national news level too:

Even the biggest giant weta has its rivals in the insect world. By some accounts, goliath beetles can reach a weight of 100 grams (3.5 ounces) during their larval stage and achieve a wingspan of nearly 10 inches (25 centimeters). The White Witch moth, meanwhile, has a wingspan of up to 12 inches (31 centimeters), which is wider than the wings of a sparrow.

But if you confine yourself strictly to adult insects, and define "big" in terms of weight, Moffett appears to have a good case. He told me in an email that the giant weta he found counts as the "largest one weighed, as far as I have seen recorded anywhere."
Yup, it is in the news. My friend just had to show me that article this morning before I saw the photo here. :)

I would handle the carrot eating weta before the tree weta. That big red head and huge mouthparts kind of frighten me, even if it is smaller. It does look more wicked to me. I would be nervous about any weta getting hungry or frightened, so I would be needing the carrot too. I still would not pass up the chance to hold one. :wub:

"Here you go weta, please be distracted by my offering." :flowers: :unsure:

i wonder if u could put one on a leash and take it on a walk :p

that would be awesome if someone in my neighborhood did that!

"hey what a cute tiny dog that looks a lot like a cricket!" "oh why thank you, his name is Sparky!!!"


Really, Crucis? If I had one species in my left hand and the other in my right, I'd want to flick the finger-sized-carrot-eating one off first! But that's just me.
Lol, NOW i'm starting to wonder what would happen if the carrot hadn't been there :stuart:

Agree with likebugs, it's either carrots or fingers!
