Chinese mantis werid eyes?


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Sep 15, 2013
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I've kept quite a few of these fellas and I've never seen anything like this. It almost looks like her pupils are super dialated. They never go completley black anymore either. Was hoping someone had some insight? Other than that, she seems ok, she's getting a little old but she produced quite a few ooths for me! :)




This is quite common in captive mantids. Some say it is due to rubbing on the enclosure walls. Mantids don't have pupils by the way.

Oh I know they don't have real pupils, that's just what it reminded me of lol. ;) I was just curious because I've never seen it before. That's interesting about rubbing the walls though...makes me sad because I took her out regularly...even made her free range in our place for a while so maybe she was just mad when I put her back in! :(

I had my female in a huge cage, and she wasnt touching the sides as she molted, but the same thing happened to her eyes, its weird....

I'm curious when their eye's are affected like that do they have problems moving or catching prey? Seems like their vision would be impaired.

I'm curious when their eye's are affected like that do they have problems moving or catching prey? Seems like their vision would be impaired.
Mine has shown no signs of being visually impaired. If anything shes my most accurate striker! lol.

My girl is also a very accurate striker! :) I was so glad to see her vision was not impaired by this! Good to hear it that it sounds like nothing serious comes of this.


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