Tenodera sinensis (the one and only)
Hello Community!
This is the log book of Tenodera Sinensis, Echo.
I did shorten this up by removing alot of photos, just including the main ones.... since apparently there is a limit to how much you can actually upload? (....This i did not know.)
( Echo's Log. )
6/3/14 - mantis found (nymph)
-Wild Caught.
Feeding Diet: - Small houseflies/ Average houseflies and moths.
6/8/14 - mantis first molt.
- Doubled in size.
6/8/14 - noticed mantis is missing right tarsus. ( walking appendage. )
6/16/14 - Joined forum " "
6/16/14 - Mantis 2nd molt.
-Missing tarsus started growing in.
6/25/14 - Mantis 3rd molt.
- Tarsus still missing.
7/01/14 - Nameless mantis named " Echo."
- Allowed my son to choose the name.
- Name referenced to the movie " Earth To Echo "
7/04/14 - Mantis 4th molt.
07/11/14 - 5th molt.
07/22/14 - Echo's 6th molt.
07/23/14 - Echo's first honey treat.
-Echo's first feeder cricket.(Large)
8/03/14 - Echo's 7th molt.(Subadult)
- wings developing.
Food Diet: Mainly feeder crickets, Large moths, Larger wild flies, and honey.
8/11/14 - Echo's first grasshopper.
8/12/14 - Echo's first butterfly.
8/18/14 - Echo's gender identified: female
- Thanks to Forum support.
8/21/14 - Echo's FINAL MOLT.
- Adulthood Reached.
Food Diet: Many wild caught grasshoppers (small/medium/large.), butterflies, large moths, large feeder crickets, and honey.
8/29/14 - Measured Echo's length.
From wing tip to tip of head ( NOT ANTENNAE. ) 4 inches even.
9/25/14 - "Echo's Outdoor Adventure!!!"
- Submitted Echo's photo into the "2015 Forum members Calendar." <3
9/27/14 - Introduced Lord Ess for mating.
-Mating begins: 6:01pm
-Mating ends: 12:26am
- MantidBro's male ( Lord Ess ) survived the breeding.
9/29/14 - Echo lays 1st oothecae.
-Time marked: 1:14pm.
10/15/14 - Echo lays her 2nd oothecae.
-Time marked: Absent @work.
11/01/14 - Echo lays 3rd oothecae.
-Time marked: Absent @work.
11/19/14 - Echo lays her 4th oothecae.
-Time marked: 6:27pm
11/26/14 - Echo's best photo to date.
12/07/14 - Echo lays her 5th ooth.
-Time marked: Absent @work
12/08/14 - 5th ooth will remain in Echo's enclosure for incubation and hatch.
12/16/14 - Ordered a surprise mystery "Xmas Gift" of new larger feeders for Echo, from Peter Clausen.
12/16/14 - Echo's final photos taken.
12/16/14 - Echo passes away.
Age: 6m 13d
12/18/14 - Package arrived. consisting mixed ages and genders of Dubia feeder roaches.....Echo would have been most pleased.
...To be continued.
This is the log book of Tenodera Sinensis, Echo.
I did shorten this up by removing alot of photos, just including the main ones.... since apparently there is a limit to how much you can actually upload? (....This i did not know.)
( Echo's Log. )
6/3/14 - mantis found (nymph)
-Wild Caught.
Feeding Diet: - Small houseflies/ Average houseflies and moths.
6/8/14 - mantis first molt.
- Doubled in size.
6/8/14 - noticed mantis is missing right tarsus. ( walking appendage. )
6/16/14 - Joined forum " "
6/16/14 - Mantis 2nd molt.
-Missing tarsus started growing in.
6/25/14 - Mantis 3rd molt.
- Tarsus still missing.
7/01/14 - Nameless mantis named " Echo."
- Allowed my son to choose the name.
- Name referenced to the movie " Earth To Echo "
7/04/14 - Mantis 4th molt.
07/11/14 - 5th molt.
07/22/14 - Echo's 6th molt.
07/23/14 - Echo's first honey treat.
-Echo's first feeder cricket.(Large)
8/03/14 - Echo's 7th molt.(Subadult)
- wings developing.
Food Diet: Mainly feeder crickets, Large moths, Larger wild flies, and honey.
8/11/14 - Echo's first grasshopper.
8/12/14 - Echo's first butterfly.
8/18/14 - Echo's gender identified: female
- Thanks to Forum support.
8/21/14 - Echo's FINAL MOLT.
- Adulthood Reached.
Food Diet: Many wild caught grasshoppers (small/medium/large.), butterflies, large moths, large feeder crickets, and honey.
8/29/14 - Measured Echo's length.
From wing tip to tip of head ( NOT ANTENNAE. ) 4 inches even.
9/25/14 - "Echo's Outdoor Adventure!!!"
- Submitted Echo's photo into the "2015 Forum members Calendar." <3
9/27/14 - Introduced Lord Ess for mating.
-Mating begins: 6:01pm
-Mating ends: 12:26am
- MantidBro's male ( Lord Ess ) survived the breeding.
9/29/14 - Echo lays 1st oothecae.
-Time marked: 1:14pm.
10/15/14 - Echo lays her 2nd oothecae.
-Time marked: Absent @work.
11/01/14 - Echo lays 3rd oothecae.
-Time marked: Absent @work.
11/19/14 - Echo lays her 4th oothecae.
-Time marked: 6:27pm
11/26/14 - Echo's best photo to date.
12/07/14 - Echo lays her 5th ooth.
-Time marked: Absent @work
12/08/14 - 5th ooth will remain in Echo's enclosure for incubation and hatch.
12/16/14 - Ordered a surprise mystery "Xmas Gift" of new larger feeders for Echo, from Peter Clausen.
12/16/14 - Echo's final photos taken.
12/16/14 - Echo passes away.
Age: 6m 13d
12/18/14 - Package arrived. consisting mixed ages and genders of Dubia feeder roaches.....Echo would have been most pleased.
...To be continued.