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hmmmm... Know what, this one is also my favorite, lol. I have two favorites for this shoot! Now that i think of it... I might even like this one more cause of the blue background.

Great photo, and glad to see your reversing setup is working for you. :)

Depending on how much time you want to spend in photo processing (in other words adjusting color/focus/sharpness/manual editing (like removing any vignette (the tunnel effect from macro zoomed in a bit))/etc. it can help - most photographers spend hours per photo, much more than the time taking photos. :)

Here are my results at some post-processing on your photo..

Oh I forgot to mention - it seems like Delta has a mite on her right antenna (left side of the image). Might want to get some isopods and springtails in there to take care of any problem - if it is ;)

Wow nice Cozz, I actually took this by hand with that reverse (explains the blur) and she was inside her home while I shot this.

I'm still trying to adjust and learn the fosusing with that added lens, but I'm starting to love it lol

Though I don't think its a mite since I usually take extra precautions with boiling and baking the sticks and things from nature I will still look into it. I recieved some pill bugs from bro but I had to separate them and divided the numbers into four other homes too... So regardless I need more lol

Good news all around, it does grow on you - the only downfall it the inability to zoom out without using a smaller portion of the lens area (smaller pics). Sure that spot could be anything, blurred to much to be sure of anything, :)

true, but I usually shoot on the largest photo setting the cam offers.

I believe that speck may actually be just a loose tiny piece of cocofiber, she does now have it in there and some of it isn't "packed".. Sometimes ill blow into her tank to get her feeders more actively moving so she will notice it. She's currently in a 29g aquarium ( echos old home.)... For her current size it maybe a little over board, but I like my mantids happy with plenty room for adventuring.

Lol she's enjoying the new fake terrarium setup I just made a few days back. It took her a little time to adjust but now she's all about hiding and running around all the "plants"


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