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Kaz The stagmomantis carolina

Kaz The stagmomantis carolina

This is my favorite shot of Kaz I've taken so far!
lol his giggling photo.

probably my favorite so far, too cute. (no homo.)

did the little bugger molt yet?

lol his giggling photo.

probably my favorite so far, too cute. (no homo.)

did the little bugger molt yet?
Lol i didnt think of that, it does sort of look like he's giggling haha

its my favorite so far too, there will be more soon to compare it with though! (LOL no homo)

No not yet, I'm surprised! I would have expected him to by now. He's such a fatty and it's already been like 1-2 weeks hasn't it?

yeah, few days shy of 2weeks.

I remember he molted before i sent him off but I don't think I have the date down.... I know it was 330ish AM

yeah, few days shy of 2weeks.

I remember he molted before i sent him off but I don't think I have the date down.... I know it was 330ish AM
he's obese lol i keep checking on him expecting him to have molted already but each time, nope


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