i have a female giant asian and after her last molt she wouldnt take even realy small prey. today when i was handling her i noticed her front ratorial leg was bending out in an awkward way and put her straight back in her enclosure. Also i have noticed there is soomething watery with a brown...
Well the ootheca i was realy worried about hatched four little nymphs yay( in a sarcastic way) two of them died and now i have two left, i had ordered food of the interent for the next lot coming out but no sign of them at all, then just today i accidently broke the ootheca by dropping it on the...
Yesterday i bought a litre of maggots for around £2.50 which is brilliant.
I was wondering does anyone else breed maggots and what do yo feed them on(wish they had a name i knew) and if you do then could you tell me when they will turn into casters and then flies. Also how long will it take for...
yesterday my mantids molted and i noticed that when they came out of their old skin they were very fat and much bigger than when their skin began hardening about half an hour afterwards. Is this normal, do they pump up their abdomens to push out of the old skin?
Joe phoned me just 5 mins ago and we had a chat about the oothecas, the peice i thought had been chopped off he said was actually a small ootheca and theother a medium sized one. those smooth eges were where the eggs had been hung on the side of the tank the mantis was in.
I am not too sure...
Yes i bought it from bugsdirectuk.
I have a freind who buys mantids from there and they didn't have any problems.
Have you had problems with bugsdirectuk before or something?
Barvid. I only have the common name for this species and this name is Taiwan green mantid. If you go on www.bugsdirectuk.com you will see a pic of the mantid and i think a scientific name next to common name.
The eggcase has what looks like the foam on it but there are two holes in it, and...
The ootheca arrived today and it is an Taiwan green bush mantids ootheca.
I am worried because the egg seems very brittle and crispy, some of the little pods are visable and i don't have the first clues how to keep the ootheca in the correct position like which way is up and which way is down...
I am not sure when it come to making sure the tank is at the right humidity. I used to think it was okay when the glass on the tank had condensation on the sides but now i am not sure at all.
Does the tank flooring or substrate have to be kept wet constantly or is spraying lightly the tank...
I wish i could go out adn watch matids or live somewhere where mantids live.
I live in england and i have never ever seen a mantid outdoors living naturaly. :(
Thanks for the help :)
would a radiator do to keep the eggs warm, the tank is next to a radiator and it isn't usually switched off.
In the dish can i not just use moist wood shavings?
Is it likely some of the females are already pregnent?
What should i feed my crickets and how do tell the female from the males?
Are there any special enviromental needs for the crickets to breed?
Any other useful information would be good appreciated.
I was thinking of making a new generation of mantids with the two i have now.
How do i make sure i have a male and a female. I know your supposed to count the underside of the abdomen but do you count the last pointy segement(the end of the abdomen)?
When they are mature how do i know there...