Recent content by Gabrieloak67


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  1. G

    Curly winged flies: culture?

    lol Thanks! yeah the smell is not nice. I'm used to standard fruit flies just not these curly winged ones.. not efen sur eif they are same species..
  2. G

    Curly winged flies: culture?

    Hi, just got some curly winged flies through the post. Not had them before, how do I make a culture? As in fruit flies, eg bananas etc or different? Any help much appreciated as always. Thanks. 5 Euch, 1 Sphrod
  3. G

    identify (one with devil horns)

    Thanks a lot mate, great site by the way!
  4. G

    identify (one with devil horns)

    help!! The links at the top of this page don't seem to work, am dying to see these pics! Anyone copied them so they can paste them back up? Would love to see them, sound amazing.. cheers
  5. G

    Sri Lankan species 10 inches long: fact or fiction??

    Hi , Christian thanks for the feedback, so T. maxima does then reach 17cm? Pretty amazing creature, hope to see one in the wild one day, if not in captivity somewhere. One can only wonder at the number of incredible mantids out there waiting to be discovered or even disappearing before...
  6. G

    Wide arm mantis eating orchid mantis

    Yen. I'm with you, best to recycle what you can with dead or dying mantids. i suppose morally no different than feeding it any of the hundreds of other crickets, flies, moths etc. However, even when i see a mantid being eaten on TV (by a chameleon or scorpion or whatever) I feel slightly...
  7. G

    Sri Lankan species 10 inches long: fact or fiction??

    Thanks Roberto, I do recall seeing some pics on the web somewhere of this species, maybe...hang on just googled. this guy lists Toxodera denticulata as being 170mm (??) Out of interest, does anyone know of either of these species in culture anywhere? I saw some pics on the web of a Toxodera in...
  8. G

    Sri Lankan species 10 inches long: fact or fiction??

    Yeah the list related to mantids not mantid shrimps. Tough to believe I know but from a reputable source. Not sure when a mantid might actually encounter a turtle but thats another story... Saw mantid shrimps whilst diving in Thailand last year, wonderful , beautiful things but I guess I'm...
  9. G

    Sri Lankan species 10 inches long: fact or fiction??

    Interesting stuff. I've seen the big bulky mantids too but i thought that some of the stick mantids in SE Asia got longer... What is the heaviest in your experience, Hierodula trimaculata? My faves are still the little creobroters...., though being pushed hard by these Euchs you sent me...
  10. G

    Sri Lankan species 10 inches long: fact or fiction??

    Hi guys, hope you are all well and of course thanks for all the helpful replies to my postings..always amazed by the amount of knowledge out there. Just saw this artcile on the web in which the author states "A Sri Lankan species...
  11. G

    Quick Q. Do any mantids tackle and eat adult locusts?

    Thanks Rob, I guess kind of obvious, just wanted to check. Yep the nymphs are doing just great, actiually living v happily together, eating well, reall ypleased with them, thanks. V keen to get more nymphs when you have the in stock so I'l stay in touch. Cheers.
  12. G

    Mantids in the UK?

    With global warming and olives now growing successfully being farmed and harvested in my native Devon, couldn't some mantids (I guess M. religiosa) survive outdoors over here now? Are there any already? I know I've seen them not far south of Paris in years gone by.. Currently got 5 baby...
  13. G

    Quick Q. Do any mantids tackle and eat adult locusts?

    Basically I have always fed my adults crickets, moths from the garden etc. Saw some locust in the shop which seem mighty big, so just wondered if any of you guys know (as I'm sure you do) which mantids will be able to tackle adult locusts. I'm sure quite a few, bearing in mind that I've seen...
  14. G

    Which species (apart from Gongylus) can be kept communally?

    Any thoughts on the above? I love mantids but the space, all the separate tanks/ jars, boxes!! Also I'm new here, can't work out how the polls work; is there a page with all the polls on somewhere cos if so I'm a bit thick cos I can't find it! Cheers. :D
  15. G

    Hello from cold and rainy Devon, UK

    Hi, just discovered and joined this forum, amazing place. I am almost 40 and from Devon , in the SW UK. I have kept mantids since I was around 8 , ever since an article in "Look and Learn" assured me that they could be fed on bits of fruit (my mum was insistent that I couldn't keep anything...