Recent content by kmsgameboy


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  1. kmsgameboy

    Im back. Hello from Illinois!

    Will do.
  2. kmsgameboy

    Im back. Hello from Illinois!

    Thank you guys for the warm welcome. I'm currently working on getting a new bug room set up.
  3. kmsgameboy

    Im Back but you dont remember me lol

    Sounds like we are in the same boat.
  4. kmsgameboy

    Mantis fell during molting?

    I have had this happen a time or two. If she can make it to the next molt she might be ok. If you can feed her with tweezers and get her to drink from an eye dropper of Q-tip she might be able to make it ok, if not... the odds are not in her favor.
  5. kmsgameboy

    Mantis macros!

    WOW! You weren't lying! Those are macro! Good job!
  6. kmsgameboy

    Is this an okay terrarium for a ghost mantis or two?

    As the others have said the humidity would be a little high in there. Ghosts don't more around a ton so you might be able to keep one in there but I wouldn't keep more than that.
  7. kmsgameboy

    Mesh for enclosures

    I have used hot clue in the past with no issues. Thats what I used on all of my old enclosures. This time around I plan to use a roll of screen patch tape.
  8. kmsgameboy

    How do I keep these gnats away?

    In the past I have had quite a bit if success using only cocoa fiber, and yes don't keep it wet. I would mist mine occasionally and kept a water bottle cap full of water in each enclosure.
  9. kmsgameboy


    I really need something to care for. My daughter is now almost an adult and I am suddenly living alone again.
  10. kmsgameboy

    Wanted Wanted: Restarting My Collection

    Hey guys, I joined the site back in 2008 and was very active back in those days. Life happened, I had to leave the hobby, and have been out of insect keeping for 12 long years. I miss those days and I would really like to get back into it. (I need something positive right now) I had a bit of...
  11. kmsgameboy


    Hey you are still around! I was pretty active here 2008-2012. Life happened and I've been out of the hobby for about 12 years. I don't have my collection anymore but I am going to check your site out. I need to get back into the hobby for my own well being.
  12. kmsgameboy


    Sweet! I've been thinking of getting into silkworms. I've been out of the invertebrate hobby for about 12 years. I have a lot to catch up on.
  13. kmsgameboy

    Im back. Hello from Illinois!

    Most of you probably don't remember me. I was in the hobby years ago when I lived in North Carolina. I was very active back then and had a good sized collection. Life happened and I have been inactive for years. A lot has changed since then but I would like to get back into keeping...
  14. kmsgameboy

    Tenodera sinensis Range

    I've seen them in IL and in NC but I noticed something odd this year...although the winter was mild and insects were abundant I hardly saw any mantids. I did find ONE Stagmomantis Carolina nymph early in the summer but when I went hunting in my usual spots to find Chinese mantids they all seemed...
  15. kmsgameboy

    Wanted: Millipedes!

    I'm working on setting up a forest vivarium and wish to add some millipedes to the mix. I don't have any specific species in mind but the bigger the better. :P