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  1. M

    male to female ratio

    i look in small patches of goldenrod and long fields
  2. M

    chinese mantis

    theyre not rare u just need to know where to look. look in the underbrush or goldenrod and walk in tall fields if you see something jump inspect the area very time i was looking at a catterpiller and my friend pionted out that it was under my thumb!
  3. M

    chinese mantis

    i have tons of chinese were i hunt i find typicaly 2-4 per day(mostly males)
  4. M

    male chinese mantid not eating.

    he finished eating walked half a foot and felll over dead. :oops:
  5. M

    male chinese mantid not eating.

    now hes dead :(
  6. M

    the sickness again .. only different :S

    drip water on the sides of the tank it will lap them up. it may be looking for water droplets. :)
  7. M

    male to female ratio

    i have been keeping 4 male chineses mantids all wild. why cant i find a female? are males more common?
  8. M

    Mantis drops dead while eating a moth

    heart attack?
  9. M


    i have 3 or 4 male chinese mantids (brown with green stripe) and i found a female all green mantis, so i put one of the males with her and they mated. will she lay an ooth?
  10. M

    mantis flying

    do european mantids fly well.
  11. M

    mantis flying

    i have mostly males. how far can they fly?
  12. M

    mantis flying

    i have been scared to let my mantids eat out side because they might fly away.can they?
  13. M

    euro life span.

    what is the life span of a european mantis.
  14. M

    Who says Bees/wasps are dangerous?

    male bees and wasps dont have stingers.
  15. M

    male chinese mantid not eating.

    i did he is eating thank youfor the help help guys.