hey i have
1 ooth $75 $60 still avaliable
3 presub nymps $25 each SOLD
these are parto no males needed, ive had hatches around 30-60!
if ooth dosent hatch i can supply replacement if avaliable or refund.
Pm me for more info, i do have a caresheet.
photo creds to chrisvgonewild on instagram...
exactly this, as long as you put food near em and you see the mantis eating itll be find. I use a similar size for adult spinys/ghosts. they find flys just fine.
ghost tho i feed with tweezers more.
i found the trick. ill upload a pic of the setup. i use pvc and wrap it with cork. simple alturnative is a the center of a paper towel roll. center of a 32oz cup
i1 is tricky they require springtails and the way thay hunt vertically makes it hard. after i2 can eat mels. once they get biggers...
i have been looking alot, same technique with liturgusa (basically wave my hand or hat around to get them to move). I even looking up in trees with binoculars. grisea may be high up in trees. lituirgusa have no height preferece. i see them lay ooths 20-30 ft up in trees.
im slowly trickling them into the hobby.
and aslo, i think liturgusa are competing with grisea. im in the city and i believe liturgusa are pushing grisea more into the everglades and up north. But dont ask me i cant find a grisea XD. ive been looking for a year now.
There has been no reported males of liturgusa in Florida since the discovery!
ive gone through hundreds of liturgusa, i have yet to discover a male. in native ranges, central and south America. males are present and are found just as often as females.
Say this species were to mate, the hatch...
After observing liturgusa maya for a year now here are some cool things ive learned.
As of yet there there has been no reported males in Florida. but my search continues for one, i do believe there are males
Did a trade with MT_mantids around 2 weeks ago. so far has been a one way trade, still havent got my end of things. we agreed on some of my liturgusa maya for their astyliasula basinigra. we agreed on a date and they never followed through with it. I shipped out last Tuesday 5/28 only to update...
If anyone's interested in houseflys. (maggots, pupae and live flys) local to me in miami, feel free to reach out. I have too many lol. I do not use raw meat with my cultures.
i always hated buying a bunch and paying $10-15 for shipping XD