Recent content by RevWillie


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  1. RevWillie

    My first Pseudocreobotra wahlbergii

    I wonder how much of the *real* color change in wallies is colored environment and how much is sunlight + colored environment... ?
  2. RevWillie

    Wahlbergii Loses To Long Tongue

    Have you tried smaller foods? Hydei instead of houseflies, houseflies insstead of bluebots, etc.. I've had several that weren't all that interested in the bigger food they 'should' be eating but they all love the smaller food, as long as it's big enough to be interesting.
  3. RevWillie

    Aluine - Sphodromantis lineola

    Wonderful photos! :clap:
  4. RevWillie

    Bugnapper lamp?

    I have a kid's butterfly net and catch flies, bees, and small grasshoppers for my mantis You do have to be careful! I fed a Creo what I thought was a stink bug, 2 hours later he hadn't eaten it so I removed it, and in the morning he was dead. In hindsight I think it wasn't a stink bug, maybe a...
  5. RevWillie

    First post (go easy on me). Available and breeding year round?

    I would say that not ALL species at ALL sizes are available ALL of the time. There seem to be certain times of the year when everybody seem to have adults and certain times of the year that everybody has nymphs available. Depends on the species. For example: right now everyone's Orchid mantises...
  6. RevWillie


    Thanks Tammy! Are wahlbergii like Creos in that they seem to lay 8+ ooths at about 2 week intervals?
  7. RevWillie


    How often do you re-breed your females to ensure fertile ooths? When I raised Creo pictipinnis I would re-breed the female every 3-4 ooths and it was fairly easily done. I know that some mantis females are hyper-aggressive and re-breeding can be little more than sacrificing males. Phrased...
  8. RevWillie


    Late to the party - I was out of town at an orchid show... As everybody has said, the OP flower is a Phalaenopsis - a moth orchid - it's probably a clone of a hybrid but I'm not sure which one. Alex: "Anyone know the type of orchid with grass like leaves, small flowers, and thick bulby stems?"...
  9. RevWillie

    great surprise...

    Maybe buy a melanogaster culture ASAP so you have smaller food for the less aggressive ones? My L2 wallies will take hydei, the L1 is still too small, so I feed them both so everybody can pick and choose.
  10. RevWillie

    Nikki Mantis and Rock & Roll

    FWIW Be careful with music volume - I once had a bumblebee land in the middle of a guitar amp speaker outside, it stayed there about 10 minutes, and when I went to chase it away, it was dead.
  11. RevWillie

    great surprise...

    Tomorrow or Weds. Are melanogasters too big for them? Keep them misted in the meantime. Congrats!
  12. RevWillie

    Thanks iSmart!

    "Since an image from the compound eye is created from the independent picture elements produced by ommatidia, it is important for the ommatidia to react only to that part of the scene directly in front of it. To prevent light entering at an angle from being detected by the ommatidium it entered...
  13. RevWillie

    Bugnapper lamp?

    The trick, as I see it, is to capture the insects alive so you can throw live insects to your pets. If they go into water or alcohol, you have dead insects. I wonder how the Bug Napper keeps the live insects from crawling out? A fan?