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  1. S

    P.paradoxa ooths

    I starting to look for them too and would be interested.
  2. S

    H. grandis one side gimpy

    One H. grandis molted and one side is not right. The right side's legs and arms are twisted and not fully functional. I have fed it, but I have to kill the cricket and let it taste the insides. Its jar gives it enough room to molt and the others have had no trouble. I cant figure out how one...
  3. S

    Picture Request for Tenodera aridfolia sinesis

    Rick, i love the first pic, how would you like me to credit you? Thanks to you and Padkison!
  4. S

    Picture Request for Tenodera aridfolia sinesis

    I need some extra money so i am going to soon be selling some that recently hatched. I do not have an adult of this species, and I would like a picture of one to show colors and how big they can get for flyers to put up around campus. If anyone would be so kind as to lend me a picture, please...
  5. S

    other food but fruitflies?

    each other?.... :shock:
  6. S

    Handling a mantis.

    i have held both Heirodula grandis and Parasphendale agrionina. Really, hold isnt the right word since i never actively tried to pick them up. The P. agrionina sometimes and the H. grandis almost always like to check the top of the vial out when it is opened. They reach out and they will just...
  7. S

    How do I?

    Copy and paste the circled tag in the text.
  8. S

    usambara tarantula sexing

    I just wanted to add that not all males have tibial spurs. Some species somehow position their females just fine without em. ALL mature males have clublike pedipalps that look swollen and it is where they keep the bulbs that they use to inseminate the female. It should be advised that this is...
  9. S

    How when to sex green bottle blues?

    40$ is a pretty standard price. How long is diagonally from its right front leg (not pedipalp) to the left lower leg stretched out? For sexing, 1 inch is pretty small, but if you get a good molt or a good ventral shot i can try. Try to get it so that it looks like this pic: Make sure it is...
  10. S

    erm... HELP...

    IMO, mature males, especially ones that are as a species docile (lots of people are hesitant to say rosies are docile lol!) are interested in sex and not interested in biting even in defense. Send a small person under there and fetch him. Im actually serious. You could also put out some water...
  11. S


    I did a bit of searching and found some conflicting threads. Some said that since they are somewhat simple it shouldnt be a problem unless they are bred over and over and over.. Then there was a thread on orchid mantids and there was talk of avoiding inbreeding. Is inbreeding taboo here, or is...
  12. S

    Hey there, I am Maya from

    Hi there. After a trip to Eastern Washington i decided that i just had to get into mantids after seeing some Tenodera sinensis there. I will be soon getting some Paraspendale agrionina and Hierodula grandis and i am extremely excited. Other animals i keep are: 24 tarantulas, 7 scorpions, 4...