Recent content by Survivor7


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  1. Survivor7

    Mass cricket death

    I thought I was goiing to have to buy a new FF culture but there are tons of larva growing in my cricket jar now. Kinda morbid but I guess it works
  2. Survivor7

    Mass cricket death

    Thanks everyone, I never knew there was so much to keeping crickets. I just want to clarify that the hunchback flies should be ok to feed to my mantises then?
  3. Survivor7

    Mass cricket death

    Honestly I didn't leave food or water. I've been pretty occupied these past few days (me and my girlfriend broke up) and unfortunatley pet care went to the wayside for a day or 2 :( I bought them on a whim and was ill equipped to house and take care of them at all. I'll probably just toss...
  4. Survivor7

    Mass cricket death

    I usually feed my mantises fruit flies but I've been out for awhile so I went to the pet store to see what feeders they had available. I was told small crickets should work so I got 100. Once I got home I of course found the crickets to be too big so I put them in a jar to use for my spider...
  5. Survivor7

    ok, bored and can't help myself!

    quick need help fast by gripen, I'll do what I can but I'm not gonna grip anything
  6. Survivor7

    Harvester queen ants

    Ok, I have a little experience with plaster habitats. I like them a lot except for not being able to see the ants build their own tunnels
  7. Survivor7

    What is this?

    Found it hanging on the porch railing around spider webs
  8. Survivor7

    Harvester queen ants

    I dream of some day having a farm type set up that takes up an entire wall in my house. What's hydrastone?
  9. Survivor7

    Harvester queen ants

    I stumbled upon a copy on ebay but you're right about it not having a whole lot of info on the actual ants. It does have some cool info on their enclosure but nothing you couldn't find from an internet search. Still figured it deserved a mention as no one seems to have any info on ant books
  10. Survivor7

    Spined Micrathena

    Used to see these (or something very similar) at my mom's house. Thought about going sometime and trying to find one to keep. Anyone here have some info they would like to share? Like when to start looking or whatnot. Thanks
  11. Survivor7

    Harvester queen ants

    There is a book though it's pretty basic and kinda hard to find. It's called Principals of Keeping Ants by Martin Sebesta
  12. Survivor7

    New behavior pt. 2

    I had my mantises outside today feeding them ants and after one had finished I went to get it on a stick so I could put it back in it's jar. The mantis started shaking it's hind quarters rapidly and took off across the table at high speeds. I'm guessing it got scared by the stick but it was...
  13. Survivor7

    3/4 molt problems

    I've had 4 mantises molt for the 3rd time (L2? I'm not sure how the system works). 3 of those have had problems with deformed back legs. One has a bad foot, one has a back leg that is completely straight out behind it and the other has it's two back legs completely messed up. The only difference...
  14. Survivor7

    Name that spider

    You're right. After you gave me that to go on I searched bugguide. It's a Rabidosa rabida, rabid wolf spider. Anyone know anything about these?
  15. Survivor7

    Velvet Ant help

    Finally got some pics of her. Not the best since she was acting weird. She started walking through her food and got herslf all sticky and the sand got all over her