Best Mantis Breeders to Order From


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Well-known member
Jan 21, 2021
Reaction score
Seattle, Wa

Does anyone have a breeder they recommend purchasing from? I am looking for a legit breeder who can guarantee a healthy live mantis, can ship to Washington State, has reasonable prices, wide selection, is refundable, and ships within a given time. It is ideal if they carry heterochaeta orientalis, otomantis scutigera, hierodula venosa, omomantis zebrata, Phyllovates chlorophaea, pseudoxyops perpulchra, Rhombodera megaera, Blepharopsis mendica, empusa fasciata, miomantis binotata, or iris oratoria. So far I've used Usmantis, and have gotten a good delivery of an ooth. I'm still waiting on a Chaeta nymph due to weather, not sure when it will be shipped though. I am looking at Mantidkingdom but want to know other people's experience and tips first. Thanks

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Don’t use USMANTIS. Big time scammers. MantidKingdom is pretty good, and he carries H. orientalis, R. megaera. Many of those other species are exceptionally u common or unheard of in the hobby. B. mendica pretty much died out in the hobby last year although I believe @Synapze had a few. Empusa in general are extremely uncommon although I am fortunate enough to have 2. P. perpulchra you barely missed out on. Deshawn had them late last year. Phyllovates are very very rare. I know someone in a discord server who has a fertile female O. scutigera. Iris oratoria aren’t often carries but @Ax55has one for sale. I hope this helped!

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I highly recommend Panterra Pets & Mantid Kingdom. I've done business with them both for years and have never had any complaints. Great prices, excellent feeders. 

That being said, always check out the feedback section before purchasing from any professional breeder or hobbyist. 
Thank you so much, I decided to join this because I realised I need to go beyond the feedback section at times hah. So thank you again for all the help

Try @agent A! They usually have several different kinds of mantises at a time although their selections vary on what they post about being available. I got my Otomantis Scutigera from them and Omomantis Zebrata!
Try @agent A! They usually have several different kinds of mantises at a time although their selections vary on what they post about being available. I got my Otomantis Scutigera from them and Omomantis Zebrata!
although I almost ALWAYS have Creobroter gemmatus, unless I'm between generations. i had 2 pairings of my breeding stock this week though so in about 9 weeks, we will have more available!
Mantis Madness (online presence mostly Facebook I think) is in Oregon, ships weekly, very timely and has many kinds.