How long have your mantids gone in between refusing food and molting?


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Oct 16, 2020
Reaction score
River Styx
Hi all! I have two ghost mantis nymphs that are my first captive mantises. One was an L2 upon arrival and the other L3, both female. 

My L2 girl refused food for four days and then early yesterday morning, she successfully molted. 

My L3 girl is now on her 5th day of refusing food. In the last two days she's been perched upside down in pretty much the same place so I haven't tried to feed her in fear of disturbing her if she's about to molt but the last time I tried to give her food she let the hydei fruit flies walk right by her numerous times and showed no interest for an hour before I removed them. Everything I've read online just says either a day or so before molting they'll start refusing food or within a couple of days of refusing food they'll likely molt so I don't have any examples and I was just wondering how long it's normal for them to refuse food for a few days before molting when they are this young. She was a good eater before she started refusing the food as well.

Thanks in advance for any helpful replies! 👻👻

She should molt soon if she is refusing food. I have had ghosts refuse food for probably 2 to 4 days or more especially in later molts for ghosts. Best of luck! Hopefully she will molt soon.

My L2, Chaos, did molt successfully!

My other girl, Gaia, was just being dramatic and not eating for a few days I guess lol. Both are well, still waiting for Gaia's first molt with me :)

I once had a ghost that didn't eat for a couple of weeks. I expected him to die, but his appetite returned. I've heard accounts of male ghost mantises rarely eating throughout their entire lifespan.
I once had a ghost that didn't eat for a couple of weeks. I expected him to die, but his appetite returned. I've heard accounts of male ghost mantises rarely eating throughout their entire lifespan.
this also happened to me and i got so worried that i brought my males on vacation with me so that i could at least feed them a little, since they refused to eat. but after about 2 weeks they turned so ravenous and ate anything i gave them

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