hello I need help with my praying mantis


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New member
Nov 24, 2024
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he has not eaten in a week Iv tried many different types of insects but I have had no success what do I? do he is not dyeing of old age.
Is your mantis full grown or is it possible that he/she is getting ready to molt? My girl goes for several days without eating before a molt. I totally worry about her when she does that and I’ve actually been wondering how many days without food is considered normal before a molt. This is only my first mantis so I’m definitely not an expert or as experienced as many of the people on this forum.

Hope your Mantis is ok, let us all know it goes.
I hate to say this but good luck getting advice from the more experienced people on here. The posts I see are mostly from the new people that’s why I haven’t become a paid contributor.
Well that's because people drop off. U older folks are still here helping.
I am wondering the same, is it an adult? seems like it may be going to molt if so. Is it a female adult? She could be getting ready to lay an ootheca.