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  1. TheArtisticArachnid

    D. Diabolica being picky?

    Thank you so much for the article, I'll give it a thorough read. I don't hand feed her anything, or at least I haven't had to for the first few months of her care- everything is either plopped into her enclosure or shown to her with tweezers. She did eat and grab a cricket from the tweezers by...
  2. TheArtisticArachnid

    D. Diabolica being picky?

    I don't have superworms but I could definitely buy some from the petstore- what I do have/could borrow is mealworms that we use for our gecko and give that a try, although with devil's flowers you're supposed to stick to flying type insects.... At this rate I'm willing to try anything.
  3. TheArtisticArachnid

    D. Diabolica being picky?

    Goodness it feels like whenever I have to go on this website it's because I'm having some kind of issue- I'm sorry about this but I've run into another problem. A young juvenile d. Diabolica in my care recently molted about two weeks ago, however her two front raptors seem to always be perched...
  4. TheArtisticArachnid

    feeding a mismolt

    Hello! This is rather clever of you and I'm wondering how effective it was? The little one I have just molted about two weeks ago and she holds her raptors rather close to her face and they seem to have issues working properly as well as being tilted off vertically than straight. How did you...
  5. TheArtisticArachnid

    b. Mendica trouble,

    I completely dried out her container and cleaned off what I could of the vomit. I left her alone, warm and dry, but came back from school to find her barely responsive at all. It seems as though she has a hard time moving, and they're very jerky movements to begin with. She's still alive, but I...
  6. TheArtisticArachnid

    b. Mendica trouble,

    Colloidal Silver? How would I use that? Please elaborate, I'm afraid I'm a bit confused by what you mean.
  7. TheArtisticArachnid

    b. Mendica trouble,

    Alright. She's in the warmest room in the house. I offered her water, but she didn't seem keen on it so I'm leaving her be. After consulting the caresheets I bookmarked and the information I'd written down, I regretfully say it was a poor decision on my part to feed her crickets. Humidity might...
  8. TheArtisticArachnid

    b. Mendica trouble,

    Alright. She's completely dry now, is there anything else I can do besides wait?
  9. TheArtisticArachnid

    b. Mendica trouble,

    I cleaned out her enclosure and put new papertowel in without misting or spraying anything. I left her completely dry, with a little bit of water through an eyedropper. I came back from school today to find this. It seems the black substance around her "neck" has developed around her face, chin...
  10. TheArtisticArachnid

    b. Mendica trouble,

    Alright. So, I'll keep her environment dry, feed her water occasionally, and monitor her behavior to see if she gets better?
  11. TheArtisticArachnid

    b. Mendica trouble,

    I've tried to keep her on a strict diet of house flies, however during the winter since fruit flies are too small for her to eat and house flies are harder to get ahold of I've had to resort to feeding crickets when the need becomes dire. If this is what's causing her gut problem, should I hold...
  12. TheArtisticArachnid

    b. Mendica trouble,

    Hello to anyone who happens to come upon this and has any helpful information they may be able to share with me! Recently, about a week ago, I noticed that my juvenile thistle mantis was acting strange. Maybe I'm looking too much into her body language, but she's been refusing food frequently...
  13. TheArtisticArachnid

    Possible Concerns,

    Within a month of coming back from my reptile show with three adult mantises of different species, my adult female Ghost mantis passed away. There were no abnormalities in her tank, temperature and humidity were where they should be. She just passed away. Now, in October, my female Giant Asian...
  14. TheArtisticArachnid

    Uhm, hi?

    Thanks to everyone who welcomed me! It's nice to know there's a few people from Canada as well, I really appreciate the warm hellos from all of you.
  15. TheArtisticArachnid

    Uhm, hi?

    What sort of praying mantises do you breed?
  16. TheArtisticArachnid

    Uhm, hi?

    I'm in Alberta! As far as I'm aware, there are no breeders here either that or they're just incredibly hard to find. I'll keep in mind that you two are from Canada, as I'd like to get ahold of some nymphs if possible. The adult mantids I got from the reptile show have only lasted a month since...
  17. TheArtisticArachnid

    Ghost Mantis Health Issues- Is she dying?

    Yes, she was an adult when I bought her, I have no idea how old she is or how young. A specific age wasn't given when I bought her. Is this the sort of thing that I should expect to see when all of my mantids are going to die soon? I'd like to know for future reference later on when the others...
  18. TheArtisticArachnid

    Ghost Mantis Health Issues- Is she dying?

    I'd like anyone who may be online right now to help me out and to get back to me as soon as possible, I'm starting to panic and there's not a lot of websites that are giving me solid advice on what to do. I usually feed all my critters once every two to three days, they seem pleased with that...
  19. TheArtisticArachnid

    Giant Asian Mantis (Hierodula membranacea) Enclosure; Help?

    Alrighty. I'll keep the tank she's in since she seems to like it a lot, she's exploring it as I type this. I'll add some more sticks in once I get back from work, give them a rinse and throw them in the microwave for a minute or two. So far finding food hasn't been a problem, and she really...
  20. TheArtisticArachnid

    Giant Asian Mantis (Hierodula membranacea) Enclosure; Help?

    I purchased this girl at a reptile show a little while ago, she seems happy and healthy, I'm just worried about her enclosure. All the websites I looked at said it must be three times the width of the praying mantis, and two times the length/height. Does this look appropriate? The tank itself...