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  1. H

    Miomantid paykulli ooth hatched last night...

    Well, i fed them today, and most ate. They seemed pretty hungry:)
  2. H

    Miomantid paykulli ooth hatched last night...

    Well, i want a full sixty, as i am going to be selling them, and giving some to friends and such. I don't really want them to be eating each other until the sex comes :wink:
  3. H

    Miomantid paykulli ooth hatched last night...

    Well, i'm a proud owner of my first captive bred mantids:) They hatched sometime yesturday, possibly in the evning, and i was wondering when to give them their first meal? Also, when should i expect them to reach L2?
  4. H

    Rick - (US)

    Good service and packing, and fast replies to PM, plus great price:)
  5. H

    Moving fruit flies

    I've never used the freezer, i just tap them to the bottom, then tap them out. It works great(although sometimes some escape:)
  6. H

    Fruit fly medium

    Ok, i just made a bit of media out of a refrigerated baked potato, i simple peeled it, mashed it, added a pinch of sugar, and a bit of vinegar till i could just barely smell it, and then mixed it up. The flies are eating it, and hopefully this non smelly alternative will wrok well:) What do you...
  7. H

    Fruit fly medium

    Oh thats ok, plus you said medium instead of media:)
  8. H

    Fruit fly medium

    Oh, i have those dried potato flakes that you top food with right at home, can i grind those up and moisten them with water and vinegar to prevent mold?
  9. H

    Fruit Fly Media

    Hey all, i just got a culture that is very near it's end, and was wondering what kinds of medias i can use that can be made at home? Or fruits that i can use. A fast reply would be great as i really want to keep them going. Thnx:)
  10. H

    Phoenix Worms

    Hey all, i am going to be getting some mantid ooths soon and was wondering if anyone has ever tried feeding the xtra small phoenix worms to lil nymphs?
  11. H

    Ootheca larger than mantis itself?

    Wow, thats long, not very chunky though, very nice mantid though:)
  12. H

    Non-hungry mantid, getting worried...

    Well, i guess i'm not alone:) I can't wait for my ooths to come:)
  13. H

    Getting 2 Budwing ooths

    Oh, kool:)
  14. H

    H. coronatus died

    That happened to mine, well, it fell, then i euthanized it because the damage was too bad, but it would have died anyways, whenever i left her she rested until i came back and she thought i was gonna eat her or somethin, so i just euthanized her, almost all her legs were screwed up, along with...
  15. H

    H. coronatus died

    Maybe he was to wet? Like i hear when the humidity is to high, they have trouble moulting, and when the humidity is too low, they have trouble moulting. Maybe you misted to much?
  16. H

    Getting 2 Budwing ooths

    I checked them out, i think i'll get the started kit from them, it'll save me time and money in the end:)
  17. H

    Local mantids have matured

    The one i had that died this morning was a chinese and she had molted into adult hood last night, it's been extremely hot around here in the last few months :shock:
  18. H

    Noob Questions

    Hey, i'm a noob just like you, i had one of the chinese i caught outside, but it died this morning during a bad molt, it was at the same stage in life as yours, oh, nice shrimp by the way, what species?
  19. H

    Pics of Wuwu's creatures

    Thats a good point, but i think the black is still better because overall, the shape color and form is so exotic, it stands out anyways:)
  20. H

    Getting 2 Budwing ooths

    What about those springtails? Oh, and i am breeding maelworms, they can come in TINY sizes as babies, i can also feed the new mealies right?