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  1. Ghostie

    Many species

    OK the post office is retarded. They cannot get my flies to me while I am not here and working. I have to get rid of all my mantis before the post office kills them for me. I refuse to pay for a P.O. box for fly delivery twice a month. That's just ridiculous. I have Idolos to L4, Magna 4...
  2. Ghostie

    Idolomantis diabolica L3 molt - Time Lapse Video

    Nice work as always dude. Reminds me of that dragon ball Z character Freeza when it transforms 7 ridiculous times or whatever it was. :lol:
  3. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    Sweet those look huge! If I have any luck I will witness these two in the act shortly.. Here's some mantis porn. =P
  4. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    Yes I actually lost the adult male last night but found him again in my planter. lol The female has already laid an ooth. I am not positive if it is fertilized or not. Rick says if you didn't see it, it didn't happen. Makes sense to me. I have to try to mate them but have been working my butt...
  5. Ghostie

    Nibsy's Pic's

    I have two left that I didn't give away and they run like crazy and chomp flies like they never seen food before. :huh:
  6. Ghostie

    Nibsy's Pic's

    I'll ask her to send me a picture of her pink shield mantis soon. That thing is weird it flattens itself out on her hand and tries to blend in :lol: They definitely look and act like aliens. I think this is the closest you can come to owning your own alien.
  7. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    She is not shy about clawing me hands to death either. :blink: She's a meanie! Her boyfriend hasn't molted yet :P
  8. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    Aight G money here's pics from cage cleaning time. Angry Female Chinese "I'm going to eat your brains!" Ghosties =)
  9. Ghostie

    Nibsy's Pic's

    Here's a picture from my sister of a Ghost Mantis I gave her that just molted. She's a lurker so I posted it for her. Click to make big. I have to go play halo reach now. :D
  10. Ghostie

    Female orchid molt into subadult

    Wow is that "Orchie"? She's lookin' great! Good luck! =)
  11. Ghostie

    Idolomantis diabolica L3s (Macro Video)

    Wicked Wideos. Hehe Love the intensity of the music when the flyballs are being devoured. Keep up the good work. I was going to make a soundtrack and ended up with four songs of an album instead! haha 3 more songs and I'll have my first all digital album..
  12. Ghostie

    Ghost Mantis lays another ooth (video)

    I'd comment but I can't watch this one cause ooths and ooth laying gross me out haha. I'm sure it's nice work though knowing you! Hit ya up later..
  13. Ghostie

    My new obsessions!

    Enjoy. =) Get a nice light on them too and the traps will start changing colors.
  14. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    mmm forgot one..
  15. Ghostie

    Acromantis Magna ooth

    Hi guys... Frey requested this ooth sent through Yen at 10:22pm last night. She was first in line and therefore receives the ooth. I mated the pair again last night. If any more ooths come of it I will post them for sale. Many thanks all. Yen if you see me PM your addy I will get it shipped...
  16. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    An idolo made it to L4 last night. A black Idolo now. Like my black gongy. Also, Here is what happens when you use honey for your flies. They all die in 3 days. Use water crystals and fly food from Mantisplace to make 50 flies live in a tiny deli cup for two weeks. lol All dead flies from...
  17. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    Thanks guys. That shot is titled "Me no hungy"
  18. Ghostie

    Acromantis Magna ooth

    I have a third ooth for sale. $10 shipped. Same mother.. Layed today. Will ship Monday. Basically asking $4 for the ooth and $6 for the priority shipping. Will check back tomorrow. First come, First serve. USA price only, inquire for international.
  19. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    Indeed they are. Nice and healthy and fat. L3 Idolo threat pose anyone?
  20. Ghostie

    Ghostie's Pics Thread

    Sorry I don't come on here much to listen to absolutely unnecessary bickering anymore and have to work a lot now Thank goodness but here's an update. This one's for all the haters. Limbata First Adult Chinese L3 Idolos still I'm fairly certain.