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  1. T

    Gestation period?

    I have a female chinese mantis that successfully mated 9 days ago. How long does it typically take before a female will produce an ooth after mating? Thanks for any help!!!
  2. T

    Red liquid excretion

    So, today, the red liquid has dried up on his "butt". The amount produced was not enough to drop off the mantis. He is still hanging there, with his abdomen throbbing. I put him in the sun, and now his abdomen is really pumping quickly. I am worried about trying to give him water because he...
  3. T

    Red liquid excretion

    So, my sub-adult chinese mantis decided to stop eating about 4 days ago, and has become very lethargic. I was hoping is was getting ready to molt, and based on a lot of the stories on here about pre-molting drama, I knew I just needed to wait it out. Then, today, it began to excrete a droplet...
  4. T

    Maggotville, gross

    It was raised from birth by me, and never exposed to the wild. Also, the theory that flies laid eggs on the mantis after it died does not make sense because the mantis was alive earlier in the day. In fact, I believe it was alive even when I found it with the maggots crawling out of it. It...
  5. T

    Maggotville, gross

    So, I have raised several chinese mantids from birth until now. I had 5 left which are nearing adulthood, maybe 1-2 more molts until then. I came into my living room and looked at my mantids only to find my favorite one, an aggressive beast with a striking brown coloration, dead, or close to...
  6. T

    Wow, I can't believe this

    So, after having 90% of the mantids that I kept from the egg sack die due to molting issues and a very small number of cannibalism incidents, i have (had) 7 left. I gave one to my Dad, which molted again and is doing ok. Then 4 of my 6 molted, with one death, one handicap, and two fine. My...
  7. T

    Molt issues

    Hi everyone, I am so glad I found this forum! I decided to try and raise several Chinese mantid this year from egg sack to adult. After hatching, I kept around 25 and released the rest. I was feeding them plenty of fruit flies, and everything was great. Then, they started to molt and I lost...