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  1. D

    Ooths outside hatch in fall in So. Cal?

    My experience with ootheca is limited...of the ones I have had, the ones that did hatch did so without much help... that is, I put them in the same environmental conditions my mantids are kept in and they hatched just like that. They were all tropical species as well.... So my question is: Is...
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    Ooths outside hatch in fall in So. Cal?

    Going a little off topic is not really much concern to me... it happens to almost every thread. I just find it amusing that the smarter, more knowlegable or more educated the contributers are the more the disagreements seem to be about the smaller, less significant details, and sometimes it...
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    Pseudocreobotra ocellata breeding diary

    Well it is time for an update... Of the 6 ootheca that "Big Momma" laid, only one hatched... and of that hatch a total of 15 emerged, and only 5 made it past 1st instar, and only three made it to 3rd instar. They are now 5th istar, and the three remaining are of wonderfull health. They are...
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    Ooths outside hatch in fall in So. Cal?

    I absolutely love the recent addition of so many brilliant, highly educated minds on this board. It makes for some very interesting, highly entertaining, if not somewhat pointless arguements. :lol: "Kicked to death by a canary" HA!!!! I love it. You just made my day Phill! :D
  5. D

    Feeder insect trap

    For houseflies, bottle flies and pretty much all other blood flies, rotting flesh or rancid blood works best (like the liquid that drains off of a pkg of fresh chicken). Using an absorbant medium such as instant mashed potato flakes helps to keep the flies from drowning in the blood while they...
  6. D

    Feeder insect trap

    Stick the absorbant pad they stick under the fresh meat you buy from the supermarket (usually glued to the styrofoam plate it comes in) and you will attract more flies than you need... leave it open for a couple days and you willl end up with a housefly culture.
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    Fruit fly question. Help.

    She makes Yen's blend silly... :P Yen is far too busy to make it for her :D
  8. D

    How say mantis in Spanish?

    Trust me when I say that I have an above average understanding of the latin community. Nevertheless, I used the word "many" in reference to what they believe instead of most. I say many because I have shown my mantids to many hispanic people, and I always get one of two reactions... one of fear...
  9. D

    How say mantis in Spanish?

    predicador is correct. My wife seems to think there is another name but she cant remember it lol. For the most part mantids are unknown or misunderstood my most hispanics, in my experience both with people from Mexico and folks from El Salvador. What I have been able to determine what many latin...
  10. D

    Favorite Mantid...

    Pseudocreobotra sp.
  11. D

    Ooth attached to plastic cage!

    I dont know if the S. Limbata needs a diapause or not , but I assume you are planning on hatching them out in the spring. How does one keep a ooth from hatching without doing it permenantly. At any rate you could always go the extra mile to introduce more insects to your garden. by going and...
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    Ooth attached to plastic cage!

    In a large environment like your garden the ability to coexist lies in the much much lower chance of them running into one another once they hatch. By the slim chance that they do run into one another, they still arent going to be friendly about it and one will still most likely become the...
  13. D

    Meaning of Latin Names for mantids?

    Yep, cuz they never quit praying :P
  14. D

    vermiculite good or bad?

    While each granule of sand may not "absorb" water, sand in its plural form sure can hold a lot of water, and keeps it from evaporating for quite a while. Nevertheless, I don't keep mantids in "display" setups anymore, so IMO nothing suits my particular needs better than paper towels and cotton...
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    Ooth attached to plastic cage!

    I was thinking along the lines of at least a 1 inch circle around the ooth... not close enough to the ooth to cut it. But yeah, if you can pry them off without damaging them go for it. I did that with my P.O. ootheca that were laid on the side of a plastic plant. Since the plant was flexable...
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    vermiculite good or bad?

    While I most often use paper towel in my enclosures I often times put a layer of cotton balls underneath the paper towel for more moisture retention. However in the past when I wanted the mantid enclosure to be more visually appealing for display purposes I found that pet store sand worked very...
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    Ooth attached to plastic cage!

    The value of the ooth greatly outweighs that of the habitat. I say cutting habitat out around the ooth and then transplanting it into a more secure nymph container is the best idea the ooth.
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    problems after molting

    What species?
  19. D

    "wild" dirt as a substrate a bad idea?

    I think Rick is right on about the papar towells. Ease of cleanup is the number one most important thing when raising several mantids. Furthermore, you never know what you are bringing in with wild dirt. i tries a patch of topsoil once, and once it was uder constant warmthe. light and humidity...
  20. D

    Meaning of Latin Names for mantids?

    After a little more random googling I cam upon some interesting info. Pseudocreobotra Ocellata and Pseudocreobotra Wahlbergii are two of my favorite sp. When looking into the meaning of ocellata, I found some more lightly contradictive explanations. Ocellata comes from the latin ocellatus...