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  1. D

    Meaning of Latin Names for mantids?

    Lots of differences in translation also make it difficult to make sense of the scientific names. When I searched for "phyllo" on yahoo I got "greek word for sheet" and a hundred hits for phyllo dough. When I Googled "phyllo meaning" I got leaf on the first hit. Stupid yahoo! :rolleyes...
  2. D

    Psuedocreoboter species Tanzania HELP !

    Based on the photos I would say you have Pseudocreobotra Wahlbergii. I say this because no P. Ocellata I have ever kept had abdomen spikes that pronounced. My P.O's had much shorter spikes. Example: Pseudocreobotra Ocellata
  3. D

    Adult female

    With her food source diminishing every day if the cold and starvation dont end her prematurely she will probably end up being ripped apart by a sparrow. That said at least in your care she will die warm with a full belly, and you will get to witness the final stage in keeping a mantis through...
  4. D

    Meaning of Latin Names for mantids?

    The tough part is its not all latin. Some of it is greek, and some of it is made up. like Phyllocrania... Phyllo is greek for sheet, and comonly refers to dough made into flat sheets. Crania meand head or skull, and paradoxa means puzzling or contradiction, so the person who named Phyllocrania...
  5. D

    Hi, I'm joey!

    Hello there Joey! Welcome to the board.
  6. D

    Where is everyone?

    Your too touchy to be a Diplomat. HAHAHAHA!!! Just kidding buddy! ;) But being that you and I both joined around the same time I definitely see your point of view. I have seen a lot of outstanding members who had allot of good input fade out of the scene to be replaced with a lot of new...
  7. D

    New mantis photos

    He must be referring to the Schizocephala bicornis nymphs.
  8. D

    Where is everyone?

    I dont necesarily think that Acerbity was trying to knock you down or kill your inspiration, but rather explain that the fading away of older members and the replacement of those members with newer members is a rather normal trend among all chat boards, and this board is no exception. This board...
  9. D

    Want to breed pink S. Californicas

    Yes but I can take it. Regardless of whether you are a college geneticist or just happened to pay extra close attention in 9th grade biology, your optimism in controlled selection does not have me convinced.
  10. D

    Want to breed pink S. Californicas

    Of course you do Sidewinder. Now go to the kitchen and get yourself a cookie for doing such a great job of pwning me. Cuz we arent talking about wings or no wings here, we are talking about a color change that occurs as a result of a certain environmental trigger. Considering we dont even know...
  11. orchidnymph1


  12. POsubsub2


  13. POsubsub1


  14. Male Ghost

    Male Ghost

  15. D

    Want to breed pink S. Californicas

    Sounds like you got it all figured out. You and Arkanis get right on that then, and PM me in 20 million years to let me know how it turned out.
  16. D

    Want to breed pink S. Californicas

    There was already a thread on this a while back where resident Mantid scientist Christian fully explained the phenom of mantis color change. Of course Hierodula membranacea isnt gonna change color because that isnt a trait of that particular species. However it has been noted in many other sp...
  17. D

    Want to breed pink S. Californicas

    Being that the color comes about in response to their environment, there is nothing genetic about it. You can keep and breed the species for several generations only selecting the ones that turn pink for breeding, and their off spring will still turn green under specific environmental...
  18. D

    Pnigomantis medioconstricta

    I love how they all have what looks like a tatoo of some strange alien language on their arms. Almost like they were members of a secret mantis society or something.
  19. D

    Interesting Article

    Well as we know from specimens found in amber, Mantids have been around for a reeeeeealy long time. So I wouldnt go so far to say the australian cave cricket they found may be the missing link between Cockroaches and Mantids. I would be more willing to bet that it is an obscure species of...
  20. D

    New mantids to hobby - dream mantid

    While I will admit that the toxodera and paratoxoders sp. have the most wicked looking faces of all mantids, I dont really care for their hunchback appearance. I prefer mantids with good posture lol. I also forgot to list Parhymenopus Davidsoni. But like I said before I am really just looking...