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  1. J

    Mantis lost foreleg during molt

    awesome! i usually touch it to their mouth,and once they taste it they will usually grab ahold and take it from your hand.
  2. J

    Chinese ooth

    I live in OHIO so i don't think they were hatching here in March, we had some really cold weather in march where i live.70F one day and 30F the next.Just at the middle to end Of April did it gte really warm and stay that way.It's been in the 80's for the last few weeks.
  3. J

    Mantis lost foreleg during molt

    i had one at L 4 that moulted out all hunched over and couldn't do much of anything. if you're worried, smash a cricket ( to expose some " guts") and touch it to his mouth( the wet mushy part) and he should start eating it, it might take a couple of tries but he should still eat.
  4. J

    Chinese ooth

    oh i wasn't ready to give up, i have just been reading posts where everyone's ooths have been hatching within the last month or so and wondered if i collected them too late.
  5. J

    Chinese ooth

    About 2 weeks ago i collected 4 chinese mantis ooths. is it too late to expect them to hatch?(already hatched???)i've got each one in a mest cage about 12x12x12" give or take. they're in my bug/fish room in the basement that stays about 78-80F and i mist once a day.should i stick them on my...
  6. J

    Hummingbird moths/ tomato hornworms

    couldn't you just feed them(adult moths) from a hummingbird feeder? with "nectar" mix?or is the whole idea just a bit unrealistic?you can buy the Silkworm/Hornworm chow to make up yourself. which seems pretty easy.
  7. J

    Hummingbird moths/ tomato hornworms

    nobody? not even a suggestion??? :cry:
  8. J

    too much yeast????

    Really? i thought the yeast was there to start the decomposition process and the maggots ate the "potato medium" only after it started to rot. hmmm learn something new every day.
  9. J

    Newbie question ... Petco & Petsmart

    petsmart carries ff cultures , but these produce flies over the course of a month or less depending on what shape the culture is in when you get it. you're not gonna find a place where you can just buy a couple of flies a day.housefly or blue bottle fly larvae (maggots) can usually be purchased...
  10. J

    Hummingbird moths/ tomato hornworms

    anybody know if the Hummingbird Hawk Moth((Macroglossum stellatarum) can be kept and bred in captivity.(by the average hobbyist)????I know you can buy the "goliath horn worm" and "chow" to raise them on. buy what about the adults? they are nectar feeders but would need a pretty big enclosure...
  11. J

    too much water?

    maybe you should start a new thread 'cause that's some interesting stuff i wasn't aware of. besides if you don't start a new one i may bombard you with emails asking ton's of questions and i'll be the only one to benefit from your infinite wisdom! :D :lol:
  12. J

    too much water?

    hey Yen, what is that small cup in the picture inside the Orchid enclosure? is that a tiny fruit fly culture?
  13. J

    Help ID please...

    ok, what relevance exactly does that have to mantis identification?? :evil: (just so everyone that later reads this , knows. my post is in reference to someone posting a link to a porn site in this thread, that the moderators have since addressed ) thanks guys
  14. J

    Northern Black Widows - Latrodectus variolus

    lol, :lol: , that seems a little extreme to me. i've kept them before and just kept them in 1/2 gallon plastic jars w/ screw on lids. on a shelf in my bedroom. :D
  15. J

    Yen Saw - (US)

    had some Doa's last summer, and Yen Still honored a replacement, which was way more than expected, plus he threw in some freebies! couldn't be happier!!A+ :D
  16. J

    Metallyticus sp

    very true, very true :evil:
  17. J

    Metallyticus sp

    yeah, and you know if they are available in the US now, there WILL be more, and eventually become cheaper.
  18. J

    Metallyticus sp

    well, not so much a UK version, but there are international classifieds on there as well as strictly US classifieds.
  19. J

    Northern Black Widows - Latrodectus variolus

    yep!and a Hogna carolinensis or 2 and some carolina mantids too for that matter, but yeah.i want widows, only females though. pm me and we can work out the details. :D
  20. J

    Northern Black Widows - Latrodectus variolus

    what are the chances of you collecting a few and sending them my way??? :D