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  1. geishagirrrl

    name these wild mantids and male/female?

    thanks all! i am in central florida, so definitely east coast.
  2. geishagirrrl

    name these wild mantids and male/female?

    ok, reading some of the other posts... is it a Stagmomantis carolina? and how can i tell if it's a male or female?
  3. geishagirrrl

    name these wild mantids and male/female?

    i've been missing my mantis and have been wanting a new one. we have a lot of tiny wild ones around but they are really skinny and small, light brown compared to the chinese i had. now all the sudden in 2 days i've seen 3 large mantids outside and one i have caught. these pics are of the two i...
  4. geishagirrrl

    Questions about raising mantids

    so now that we put ours out of her misery and learned some valuable lessons of what to do and what not to do, i want to move on and get at least a couple more. have some questions though. first of all i have kids and our mantis was kept in about a 1/2 gallon to 1 gallon size habitat on our...
  5. geishagirrrl

    Hi! Newbie here. Love my mantis and now she may be doomed.,,

    yes they did a whole month or so in class on bugs and raised butterflies, mantids, etc. i thought it was a cool idea. i wonder how many of the other kids in the class still have theirs.
  6. geishagirrrl

    Hi! Newbie here. Love my mantis and now she may be doomed.,,

    thanks! i didn't even notice that section!
  7. geishagirrrl

    Hi! Newbie here. Love my mantis and now she may be doomed.,,

    can you all recommend where to buy another one? we'd like to have a couple more.
  8. geishagirrrl

    Bad molt, bent legs, crumpled wings :( Help!

    here's the pic
  9. geishagirrrl

    Bad molt, bent legs, crumpled wings :( Help!

    here's a photo of the damage :(
  10. geishagirrrl

    Bad molt, bent legs, crumpled wings :( Help!

    right side is functioning, right back leg is a little weak but not bent back like the right side legs. her left raptorial arm is getting in the way of her right but she's still pulling herself around. i have her in a steamy bathroom right now to see if that helps at all.
  11. geishagirrrl

    Bad molt, bent legs, crumpled wings :( Help!

    i can't believe how sad i am over this. to have raised her and watched her grow for over three months... she's trying to get around but just keeps falling on her bad side.
  12. geishagirrrl

    Bad molt, bent legs, crumpled wings :( Help!

    would it help if i try to add humidity now? it just molted overnight.
  13. geishagirrrl

    Hi! Newbie here. Love my mantis and now she may be doomed.,,

    I so wish I would have thought to look for you all sooner. My name is Julie. We live in FL. In April, towards the end, my 1st grade daughter got a teeny tiny mantis as a gift from her teacher, the whole class did too. At first it was a novelty, just feeding it fruit flies and watching it...
  14. geishagirrrl

    Molt issues

    oh now i am so sad. we love our mantis but she's definitely all messed up after this molt. :( i was hoping she'd recover. when i hold her she tries to get around but her legs all start to get tangled up. :(
  15. geishagirrrl

    Bad molt, bent legs, crumpled wings :( Help!

    Our mantid has molted and when I woke up she was on her side in the bottom of the habitat and one side is more deformed than the other. Her wings on her left are crumpled and most of her legs have kinks in them making them useless. Will they straighten out? Is there anything I can do to help...