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  1. D

    Hi from Colorado :)

    hello, my name is Danielle and i am almost 20 years old. I live in denver, Colorado. so i found this awesome forum from i was on and saw someone's pictures of an Orchid mantis, and fell in love with it. :) i asked this person a bunch of questions about her...
  2. D

    Afraid to hold my manis

    i spent 4 hours online id'ing it. he is green, so i searched all the green ones. then i searched by the body type and markings on him, and so far the only mantis that has blue ovals on the insides of his front legs and that matches what he looks like is a New Zealand mantis. there are a lot of...
  3. D

    Afraid to hold my manis

    yeah, i agree with both of you, i just didnt want to kill it in case it does stab me and i throw it lol. he isn't very big, maybe 2-3 inches but he can run pretty fast. it's my first mantis so i am just a little weary about him :)
  4. D

    Hand Feeding

    actually, i've been doing a lot of research with them ( recently got a mantis myself) and i have found this its the second and third one down and most the food can climb on that and get closer to the mantis
  5. D

    Afraid to hold my manis

    ok, so i found a new zealand mantis ( in colorado O.o) 2 nights ago, i got him a cage, and fed him, and all that fun stuff,( thank you for having a "mantis care" section lol) but i'm a little afraid to try and hold him or even stick my hand in his cage. he seems to like me, but...