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  1. Bono007

    fruit fly

    I have the fruit flys in a 32 oz container with media in there. To feed the mantis I have been refridg. the fruit flies for about 5-10 mins. then pouring them out. in to the mantis container. Now my question is this, how are you getting the fruit flies in to the mantis containers? I think their...
  2. Bono007

    Lost my Grandpa Today

    I am sorry to hear about your grandfather
  3. Bono007

    NOT mantis but still cute

    well it depends some of these are meanier than heck but for the most part if you handle them all the time they will be your best friend and wont bite.
  4. Bono007

    NOT mantis but still cute

    they grow to be the size of a parakeet but much more courious, friendler and quiet. Here are some grass parakeets that I have breed in the past.
  5. Bono007

    NOT mantis but still cute

    they are called "parrotlets" and are the funniest little birds i have
  6. Bono007

    NOT mantis but still cute

    thanks these are the smallest of the parrot family but have the personality of a macaw.
  7. Bono007

    NOT mantis but still cute

    I have been breeding parrotlets for about 3 years and here is my latest clutch.
  8. Bono007

    new to mantid

    I agree I have seen the Chinese varity here, They are pretty common and I think I will capture one of those little buggers when they come out. I have 2 ooth's on my lilac bush but have not seen anything from they yet. I check daily but I am afraid that if I get one too small I would not be...
  9. Bono007

    new to mantid

    I dont know yet, I want an Hymenopus coronatus but those are extremely hard to find. I used to breed birds so i have an excellent "brooder" for them. I keeps a constent temp and humity.
  10. Bono007

    new to mantid

    Hello all, I am new to the hobby and do not have any currently, except which live in the back yard. But, I am lurking all your threads and will be acquiring one within the next month.