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    Where can I purchase housefly maggots?

    I think it does, but only because bluebottles are 2-3 times bigger.
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    a few questions about a couple mantid types.

    I've cared for wahlbergii several times. Though I've screwed up many times with this species, I'd say they aren't hard to keep. But they are more prone to underfeeding due to the fact that their small size makes it a bit hard to find the proper sized feeders.
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    Cilnia Humeralis adult female injured by male

    I gathered, both from previous posts and experience. BTW, her condition is actually worse now. I left them alone for an hour or so, and she has new puncture wounds and is apparently bleeding out of the ovipositer(very dark brown blood(?), not green). I seperated them, and the male seems like...
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    Cilnia Humeralis adult female injured by male

    ^^^That's good to know. I was worried because I've had a ghost male subadult somehow wound itself in around the same spot, most likely by falling, then die. But it's wound was bigger than the humeralis's.
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    Cilnia Humeralis adult female injured by male

    As the title says, I just discovered that my male, while trying to mount, punctured the female's abdomen between the segments towards the end. There is a black puncture spot and green blood visible. Now I'm worried my mantis is doomed. Has anyone ever had a mantis survive such an injury? I'd...
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    Which species (apart from Gongylus) can be kept communally?

    I wouldn't take any chances with p. paradoxa. My breeding attempt failed because the female killed all 3 of her mates without even mating. I even waited a few weeks before introduction.
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    Orchid pics

    Looks like it has at least another week, maybe even more. 2 of my orchid females turned adult yesterday, and they had the molting signs for quite a while: first the raised wingbuds then turning a slight yellow, which I wouldn't have noticed if it weren't for the other orchid I had that is behind...
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    I just laid an ooth and I am hungry!

    Holy ! I've always wanted a mantis that could take a large adult roach like that. Too bad my budwing breeding attempt failed. What species roach is it?
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    Mantids can molt right side up?!?

    I just learned something new and surprising today. I saw my small madagascar green nymph molting, not by hanging upside down, but on the ground on it's back. I tried to take photos of it on it's back, but it flipped itself before I could. I guess this also explains why small nymphs can molt...
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    i'm se xist

    Some aren't so bad. The 3 male dessicatas I had were all very aggressive, and were the only ones that would always attack me and go in defensive display if I messed with them. But other than that, yeah, females are usually better.
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    Bad moult - Lost one leg down to a stump, 1 deformed leg

    A mantis can probably molt fine if it's missing just one leg, but one missing and one deformed is a longshot. It'll probably fall, but good luck anyway. The deformed leg will either stay deformed or just fall off. I had a dessicata male mismolt with a bad leg as an adult(bent upward). It...
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    unable to molt

    sad to see that. I had a similar experience like you. A female c. humeralis I had that I let outside it's container couldn't molt properly. It couldn't get into the proper position and tried to molt vertically, head facing down. When I first noticed it it was already stuck, so I had to put it...
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    Pregnant Dead Leaf: Eggs dying inside itself? (with pics)

    ^^^ A depressing yet useful reply. I just looked up that term and it could be for the lack of a suitable laying spot, among other things. I guess I need more twigs. The recent feeding is a good sign though.
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    Pregnant Dead Leaf: Eggs dying inside itself? (with pics)

    Oh, and has anyone ever had an adult female go this long(4-5 months) without laying an ooth?
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    Pregnant Dead Leaf: Eggs dying inside itself? (with pics)

    Yeah, sorry. Bad wording on my part. Her warped arms do screw up her ability to strike properly. She can be looking straight at her prey at a close enough distance to strike, but her arms just go a little sideways naturally. I'd say it screws up her accuracy by about 50%, because she does...
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    Pregnant Dead Leaf: Eggs dying inside itself? (with pics)

    Good news: I tried to feed her last night and she ate. I use this new technique where I pierce the roach with a needle and thread and leave it dangling in front of her. However, the above pics are actually a few weeks ago when it was well fed, and the black spots have actually grown a little...
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    Pregnant Dead Leaf: Eggs dying inside itself? (with pics)

    Some of you may remember my old dead leaf thread where I was worried about not getting an ooth due to food type issues (dubias and lateralis, fed cat food and occasional fruit). Well, still no ooth, but even worse, it's developed black spots in between it's abdominal segments. I know they're not...
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    Pregnant Female questions

    Okay, so my female d. dessicata has been an adult for at least 3 months, and mated 3 times by 2 different males. It's been at least 2 months since the matings and still no ooths. Should I be worried? Since becoming an adult, it's been very sluggish and moves very little. It seems it only moves...
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    Yen Saw - (US)

    Another perfect trasaction with yen (3rd order). Arrived timely and all alive and well fed with extras.
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    Mantis 'calling'

    Hmm. So that's why my ghost female's abdomen was curling downwards over a month after her final molt. Unfortunately, she only did this after she killed 2 of her mates, and another dying of old age.